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Indians and Tramps at Circuit City


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I spent the night last night at Circuit City for the black Friday sales. I got there about 9:45 pm last night thinking that I would have a couple of hours in the truck before having to be out in the cold. Was I wrong! I was the 12th person at the door, so I spent the night outside with a lawn chair and a few blankets. By 2 a.m. I don’t think I could feel my toes. By 4 am I could not feel my fingers. I am not complaining about the cold, but what I will complain about are the inconsiderate Eastern Indians that showed up this morning. Now don’t get me wrong, there were Whites, Blacks, and Mexicans trying the same stuff, but when you called them on the carpet for trying to cut in line, they went away. The Indians were so persistent, that one girl had to threaten throw the Indian lady on the ground and stomp her face into the pavement. She still stood there and argued! By them time 5 a.m. rolled around they were handing out the vouchers for the laptops, I was so cold that and miserable, there was now way the someone that got there 5 minutes ago was going to cut in front of us that froze our rear ends off all night. One Indian guy got a STOUT stiff arm by the guy in front of me. The Indian guy got knocked back about three feet. I had to throw out a few Indian teenagers that swarmed us when they started handing out the vouchers.


Then when I was waiting in line with my voucher for the laptop these two snotty little tramps did nothing but complain about standing in line for two hours. I finally lost my temper after hearing so much I turn to them and there gay male friends and told them they had nothing to complain about some of us had been there many hours and they needed to shut there traps. I am normally a mild person but after hearing for two hours about how Circuit city “should be passing out bottled water”, and they “needed a smoke”, I wanted to smash their faces and their homo male friends faces into the ground. These two tramps must be the most ungrateful winches I have ever seen.


Now that I have said my peace, I will go back to being the nice guy I am.



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I don't have the patience like you. I stayed at home, however, I did have to drive my g/f to Easton since it was doubtful a parking space would be found. I'm glad I'm no longer in retail. Driving through Easton was enough to piss me off. Got home, cranked up the surround sound and started blasting nazi's on COD2. It's a good stress release.
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geez. how good of a deal were those laptops?


I hear something like $250 for about a $600+ laptop. I know someone that stood in line for them and didn't get one!! There were some great deals out there today, but my time is worth more to me than that!!

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A stun gun is a weapon. Even if it's a non-lethal, it's still classified as a weapon, get a cattle prod. It's not a weapon and hurts more. It's not incapacitating like a stun gun and doesn't scramble your nervous system like one either. Due to this, it hurts more, trust me I have been hit by both, I will take the stun gun any day over a cattle prod.


And then you can heard the fuckers back to the boat they got off as well. The stun gun just leaves them quivering in the street.

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DId desperado just tell us that


A) He's been Cattle Prodded, and



B) He believes it's true to use a cattle prod to "heard" indian people back onto boats that will take them to india? Nevermind that the pacific and atlantic oceans are very far away and that they PROBABLY flew over on planes... He's a red bluded amurrican!!!!



If ignorance is bliss, you're all already in heaven.



PS: Caxide is my new favorite poster.

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HA, that was my store, my co-worker that handed out the vouchers said the fucking indians tried to yank them out of his hands, and he threw one off and told him if he tried again he would not get a voucher. I would have lost my job and knocked th fucker out. Luckily I cam in that day and got all the nice normal people and not the crazy ass indians who stink or curry, GOD they smell, albeit i did have one real nice indian guy that day pretty cool guy.


As for the deals, jesus christ some of the unadvertised stuff was uncanny! Samsung 50" plasma for 1799 are you serious that about 1000 off, some sony lcd about 800 off, I mean circuit had to make zero money on that stuff.

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HA, that was my store, my co-worker that handed out the vouchers said the fucking indians tried to yank them out of his hands, and he threw one off and told him if he tried again he would not get a voucher. I would have lost my job and knocked th fucker out. Luckily I cam in that day and got all the nice normal people and not the crazy ass indians who stink or curry, GOD they smell, albeit i did have one real nice indian guy that day pretty cool guy.


As for the deals, jesus christ some of the unadvertised stuff was uncanny! Samsung 50" plasma for 1799 are you serious that about 1000 off, some sony lcd about 800 off, I mean circuit had to make zero money on that stuff.



I was standing there when he said that to the Indian guy. It's funny now, but at the time I was losing my cool with them.


I will post pics of the plasma once it is installed. I bought the hanger that allows me to extend it from the wall and tilt it. So far it looks like my house should be on "Cribs"

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A rock is not a weapon either, but if I hit you over the head with one for saying stupid shit, than it becomes a weapon.



Good point, anything is a weapon that is used as such. But using a cattle prod to heard assholes is not using it as a weapon, it's being used for it's intended use, herding livestock.


As far as having been shocked by a cattle prod, yeah, it happens when you are driving cattle off to their higher calling (the truck to taking them to the slaughter house to become steak). And there again, the rock would just knock me cold, the cattle prod STILL hurts more. It's made to hurt. Closest thing I have even experienced was grabbing a bad plug wire on the Camaro and having that MSD 6 with the blaster coil light me up, and even that wasn't quite as bad.


As far as herding them back to the boats, that was a rather derogatory comment, even borderline racist. So I will restate it and instead of hearing them to the boats headed home, I figure that you could just heard em back to their 7-11's to sell me Cherry Slurppies

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des, if a meteor fell on your house, youd single handedly turn about 30 people on this board into lovers of jesus.




Bite me! :asshole:


Would you like to try to heard 30 1000 pound bulls that are mean and rather pissed off on a trailer without a cattle prod? I can get it arranged for you. They have no problem backing you into a corner and kicking the hell out of you then shitting all over you. It's big fucking fun.

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Me and a couple buddies went out to the microcenter on bethel rd....sat outside for about 7 1/2 hours...but we had about 3 blankets a piece. I was the smart one and took my seat out of my car and sat in it for 6 hours lol...go me


the guys that were in line were cool as shit. i mean if one of us had to goto the bathroom or get some food or go smoke or anything, just aslong as were werent outta line for more than 30mins, we got our spot back :D

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