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Rife's Autobody


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On the recommendation of Byers Subaru, I took my insurance estimate to Rife's and had them look at the car. The original estimate was for 3-4 days of work, all PDR. It was obvious it needed additional work/parts, but was all dutifully noted by the estimator. They gave me an appointment a month away. I dropped of the car on the 15th, and finally got a call and email on 24th. They told me that they had not done any work on my car, because it needed a new roof and they didn't have time to do it until February. They also had not gotten any supplementals approved by my insurance company (they didn't even call the adjuster until my car was in their shop).


So, knowing a month ahead of time the extent of the damage, they neither scheduled an appropriate amount of time nor OK'd the additional work in advance (which would have saved them time). Now, I am forced back to the end of the line even though I had all my shit together and tried to get my hail damaged dealt with promptly. And of course I had to drive around a piece of crap for a week while they sat around with their thumbs up their collective butts. Thanks guys, please die in a fire as soon as possible.

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well....thats interesting seeing that my dads car is there now for hail damage. its been there for about a month, which they told him it would be, and he might be getting it back this week


the insurance gave him 4900$, but they said there is no way that would cover it and they would sort it out with insurance.


he hasnt had any problems with them yet

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They are way too expensive. I took the RX 7 there for an estimate, they said $680 for a scratch. Every place else was around $460. Plus, if you plan on paying for it yourself( no insurance claim ) you are scheduled way out. I have heard their work is good, but for those prices, I'll go to Achboch (sp).
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they run all their alignments through us at ntb but I cant make promises on labor times from their end. we only have the car for as couple hours tops. They do seem to do quality paint work vs some of the other companies that bring cars to us, I guess its just a little pricey and slow.
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Yeah, I knew they were slow and expensive, but that's not exactly my gripe. I have no problem with "It's worse than we thought, it will be here for 6 weeks." I *DO* have a problem with "It's as bad as we thought, make another appointment in 3 months." I already had an appointment for a repair, the extent of which they were aware of, and they didn't do it. I just want my damn car fixed. :(
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