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Columbia Gas


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Has anyone been getting credits from Columbia Gas on their past few bills?


Every month I was just paying the amount it said I owed, then all of a sudden, starting last month, I have had this giant credit on my account that has been paying off my gas bill every month... were they just overcharging me? I thought $45/month in the middle of the summer for 1 person with no washing maching was a little high

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You do take showers right? That uses hot water as well. But yeah, that does seem high, I'm surprised since you didn't say anything to them about it that they actually refunded your money. For me, the women, and the kid our gas bills were like $20-$25 for the summer, not bad.


Are you sure you're not on the budget plan or whatever? Where they try and make all your monthly payments about the same, so like you pay more in the summer than you use, but less in the winter than what you use? Sounds like it might be that.

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Guest [ i v i ]

could be adjustments for estimated readings vs. actual readings.


I myself am on the budget plan, so I get the same bill every month. It sucks paying $123/mo in the summer, but it beats paying $286/mo in the winter.

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I'm not on budget...


My highest was $78 last winter, and I kept my heat on like 75 all the time. I have lots of vents closed and I live by myself.


I am thinking it is the actual vs estimated adjustments, but it just seems odd

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as said above, actual vs estimated. which i think is the biggest load of shit.


it seems like they actually gave you money back.


for me my electric bill was 170 for the month I vacated my apt. They wouldn't send someone out to get the actual reading. They wanted me to just pay it and then they would pay me back.


I told them to shove it. and they did. FTW.

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