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Anarchy in the UK


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So last night about 8 pm I got home from the UK. I went with a group of 32 other Otterbein College seniors and I must say we had the time of our lives. We saw 9 of the top 10 attractions in London in just 4 days, and at least 10 other attractions. Then we went to Wales, well there is nothing to do in Wales but get drunk, so that was pretty crazy. Our group of about 12 people drank the hardest every night, stayed up the latest, yet we were the first to be at breakfast at 7 am, and saw the most sights during the day.



The group (minus a few of the girls)



me and a hot welsh bartender




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The spainard guy in the orange kept putting his hands down girl's pants and got knocked out on the street by the big guy behind him in the hat



The guy behind me is our prof.



Prof on the right again



View from the very top of St Paul's



Big Ben, Parliament, London Eye



Salisbury Cathedral, it's only ya know 900 years old

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If you go to LGW on 1/14 and return on 1/22 from CMH the fare is $351 on US Air. I am trying to get work to pay for it right now....


ours was $650, but that was between Xmas and Thanksgiving

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