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Snowboarding FTW!!

Dr. Apex

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I just got back from Mad river mountain and tried out snowboarding for the first time.

Of course I was relegated to the bunny hill but it was still fun none the less. I fell on my ass almost every time and but managed not to break anything except my pride. I'm so damn sore right now I hurt in places I didn't know existed. Luckily I'm a big guy and my ass padded me from most of the crash landings, and I can't wait to go again!!

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Congrats on the feeling of success. It's never too late to start something like that. You very well may have discovered your next real passion. Oh and don't be worried by your falling. Everyone falls even that mad tight boarders yo. I have skied for years and I would like to try boarding.
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That was Jesse(Trouble Maker) that put out the challenge. It will be a while before I could challenge anyone but I'm up for going anytime.

If I can figure out how to keep my balance and use my edges I'll be fine, until then I need a pair of padded pants!! :eek:

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Ben, I have been snowboarding for 17 years. I have tought a lot of people how to get started. I worked with a girl last year and she had never been before, she was making it down the main hill on her own with out a fall after 4 hours. If you want, let me know when you are going next and I'll head up with you. Then you can work with me in the spring on auto X.
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Ben, I have been snowboarding for 17 years. I have tought a lot of people how to get started. I worked with a girl last year and she had never been before, she was making it down the main hill on her own with out a fall after 4 hours. If you want, let me know when you are going next and I'll head up with you. Then you can work with me in the spring on auto X.


I didn't break anything, I think.


Deal Joe!! I've always wanted to drive an rx7!!!

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I'll fly back to Columbus and show you whatsup.




Ben, if you are there on a weekend talk to one of the patrollers and get them to contact me. I'm there every other weekend for most of the weekend. Glad you had a good time out, can't wait to see you out there again sometime! :D

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Ben, if you are there on a weekend talk to one of the patrollers and get them to contact me. I'm there every other weekend for most of the weekend. Glad you had a good time out, can't wait to see you out there again sometime! :D


I hope to be out soon again, but I'll be aiming for more weeknights as it's much cheaper.

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