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pleading a ticket down?


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I guess the reduce speed ahead sign 1/2 half mile west of the Avery/Muirfield Dr. bridge, and the big 55mph sign about 1/4 mile later weren't clear enough for you?


Pay attention!


look man, i didnt come on here asking to be taken back to drivers ed. i dont remember coming into your thread when you posted about getting hit by the illegal mexican guy telling you to pay attention, did i? and i doubt when your wife spun her car into the gaurd rail, im sure the first thing you said wasnt "pay attention!"


i know how to drive...shit happens. like i said, its not like i was driving like an asshole, i just happened to get nailed in a shitty speed trap.

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JEsus Christ ... Shut up. Everyone on here who speeds pays the piper a few times we take our points and we go own with life. only time you fight is when your about to loose you damn license or was wronged.


Pay the same tax we do....


And invest in toys to help REMIND you to slow down. My Passport reminds me quite well to slow my dumbass down, Wethers it a false K-Band or the real thing it reminds you to not speed. And its payed for it self many times over.


Its like the Road Runner and the Keyote, Speeders know they will loose in the long run but they play anyways.

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there's no pleading....you have to challenge it and make them deal it down. they have no reason to plead it down unless they feel you may take it to court and tie things up. may not work in a suburban court like that would in the city...




maybe you could learn to read. if i was speeding, thats fine. i dont have a problem paying the fine. the point of my post was to see what i could do to plead it down to a non-moving violation. i dont mind paying the fine, but if possible, i would like to keep it off my record
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just slow down and move over a bit and throw a handfull of drywall screws in the emergency lane where the cops wait whenever you drive by that spot. won't cure this situation, but it makes me feel better. can't beat them all the time, but I figure I get even with them now and then.


i know how to drive...shit happens. like i said, its not like i was driving like an asshole, i just happened to get nailed in a shitty speed trap.
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Just go into court and ask for a no point equipment violation and if that doesnt work ask for a no point speed and say you'll pay the fine. It never hurts to ask. Oh and shit does happen just ask the 7 speeders that I ticketed on satuday night. They werent paying attention and got caught. Remember cops are sneaky fuckers sitting on the side of the road in marked cars with lights on top kind of hard to miss. I dont write till at least 15 over on the freeway and 10+ over on the city streets depending on my mood. You must always beaware of your surroundings because po po is always looking for you.


Good luck in court

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that's pretty generous actually. I figured on the highway, 73-74 in a 65 would be tops and on the city streets...I can see 10+...but I don't push that except in areas where 35mph is just too slow and 45mph is safe.


I dont write till at least 15 over on the freeway and 10+ over on the city streets depending on my mood. You must always beaware of your surroundings because po po is always looking for you.


Good luck in court

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  • 3 weeks later...
Not even close. I drove through both New Rome and the 270/33 interchanges to and from work for 4 years (before they nuked New Rome). New Rome was a corrupt administration that had 2 seperate embezzlements in 3 years. They illegally lowered the speed limit on Broad St, and installed a traffic light at a cross street that carried less than 50 cars a day, just to stop traffic and run plates.



I work in Dublin and drive 270N to 33W to Avery/Muirfield daily. There is ALWAYS a DPD cruiser lasering 270N right before the exit, and another cruiser lasering 33E.


This was posted 10 months ago. You shoulda been paying attention!:



Its definitely not an apples-to-apples comparison, I'll give you that. I've worked in Dublin for 8 yrs now and mainly pointing out that they don't play around when it comes to traffic laws and they pull over a ton of cars. There was a Dispatch article a few months ago where they compared the tickets written in a given time frame by departments. Dublin was almost double, if I remember correctly, of even CPD. Its got a lot to do w/ how hard they patrol these two areas. Anyone who drives through that area on any kind of a regular basis knows that, Mikes 100% right. I've seen the Dublin cops sitting at the corner of Franz and 33 running plates in the same fashion, they nailed a friend of mine a few years ago w/ this technique. So it goes, looks like it came out in your favor so congrads :)

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