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Teh E-battle v1.0

Devils Advocate

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Alright, we talked about this for a little bit the last time I was in Columbus, and kinda decided that we'd start it off as a group of us vs all takers. Once this gets on for a bit, I'm sure that alliances will be formed within the groups, and it'll end up being a complete farce.


To start it off, It's Me, Caxide, Tilly, Eli, The Deej, Supra Mark (!!), and Sam (who is only allowed to post pictures), against all of you nut swinging, shitbox driving, cock-sucking, ignorant, illiterate, brainless, dickless, hopeless, redneck and messican homosexuals.



People barred from this competition based on previous fruitless attempts at humor/proper bantering skills:



Formula 91


Note: Gearhead is included on a probationary basis.




Let the fun begin!

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man, how unfair is this? combined, the i.q. of the board (excluding those mentioned) isnt enough to give a swarm of ants a decent challenge in a debate, much less us. i cant wait to see how this is received amongst the masses.


edit. upon further review, i have to insist that gearhead at least stay on his side of the pool. whatever hes got, i dont want to catch any of it.

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Alright, we talked about this for a little bit the last time I was in Columbus, and kinda decided that we'd start it off as a group of us vs all takers. Once this gets on for a bit, I'm sure that alliances will be formed within the groups, and it'll end up being a complete farce.


To start it off, It's Me, Caxide, Tilly, Eli, The Deej, Supra Mark (!!), and Sam (who is only allowed to post pictures), against all of you nut swinging, shitbox driving, cock-sucking, ignorant, illiterate, brainless, dickless, hopeless, redneck and messican homosexuals.



People barred from this competition based on previous fruitless attempts at humor/proper bantering skills:



Formula 91


Note: Gearhead is included on a probationary basis.




Let the fun begin!


You left me out :(

No lube for you next time.

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This is the lamest thread I've seen on the forum. An organized "e-battle".. wow.


Seems that you are always trying to prove yourself to people by bashing people on the internet. Sweet dude! Well, I'm sure you're used to seeing this picture:



Have fun bashing people for their grammar, as that seems to be all the material you got these days.


Here, I'll give you a start.. I drive a 4 cylinder and I used to live in Grove City.

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This is the lamest thread I've seen on the forum. An organized "e-battle".. wow.


Seems that you are always trying to prove yourself to people by bashing people on the internet. Sweet dude! Well, I'm sure you're used to seeing this picture:



Have fun bashing people for their grammar, as that seems to be all the material you got these days.


Here, I'll give you a start.. I drive a 4 cylinder and I used to live in Grove City.

hey look at me, i'm an inbred fucking trash hick that can find overused chopped images of retarded kids that everyone's seen fifty fucking thousand times.


much more importantly, you basically completely missed the point that this is a big fucking joke. we're not like some little internet gladiators that are strapping on our leet armor and having a LAN party to get together and use our collective intelligence to challenge our foes to a battle of wits. as much as the grove city/4banger stuff is a joke, whats not is your complete inability to decipher reality from the ludicrous shit that happens on this board. O NOES EVERYONE'S HAVING AN E-BATTLE WHAT IDIOTS. THE INTARNETS IS SERIOS BISNESS!


Thank you for basically giving me the easy layup, though. Seriously. Making an idiot out of you was easier than finding my dick in the morning.


The Dream Team 1, Idiots 0

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I believe I have found a picture which accurately portrays any one of them attempting to battle.




which "them" exactly are you speaking of? if by "them", you mean "us", then you are are a moron for aspiring to be a down syndrome baby, and idolizing mongolism. if by "them" you mean "them", then you are a moron for not being able to read. you are on the "them" team, idgit. get the net.


dang it. whyd i have to come off the bench for this?


ken, we probably would have picked you, but i knew of your retirement, and i didnt want you to fuck up your pension.

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ken, we probably would have picked you, but i knew of your retirement, and i didnt want you to fuck up your pension.




I often miss the days that I actually had access to a computer during the day. Some of my most creative writings were wordsmithed in various fourm's e-battles.


I've since redirected my skills to wooing myspace girls and internets Girlfriends. I am even more amazing at that if I do say so myself.

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I will make you my e-bitch




Better learn to use punctuation.


FWIW, posting a funny picture that someone else took deos NOT make you a contender here. Better quit now, you'll only look foolish if you attempt to continue.

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