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Please look for this JEEP!!


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red/maroon, 1997 Jeep Cherokee. There are plastic rain guards over the door window's. Driver is a young female, blond hair, (I think). There had been 2 young males(punks), one wears a bandanna. They were seen on the North west side of town all afternoon stealing from peoples cars that are in parking lots of shopping areas. Tuttle Mall and then Target on Sawmill. They got my buddies laptop, Mp3 player and all together, about $4000 in electronics from his car. He actually remembered seeing them when he parked and the description was the same as the people who hit Tuttle. They were almost caught at Tuttle, so they are not just stopping when it's a close call.


With all the Xmas shopping and gifts left in the cars. This is easy pickings for them.Police reports have been filed. If you see what matches this discription just call the police.


Thank you.

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