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Anyone want a house?

Science Abuse

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Debt. Plain and simple. I don;t personally remember being charged $1400 on my taxes to cover this war. Where is the money coming from? It's coming from our kids and grand kids. The last 6-7 years has seen a massive surge of support for Ws short term solutions to long term problems, no matter how stupid his short term solutions were. The country seems to finally be coming around and realizing what a few of us "communists" and "haters of america" have been saying since 2000. The asshole sucks.
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Well if the government did decide to get everyone a house some people are stupid and would just get tricked out of there houses. They could also just be dumbasses and get a mortgage for drug money or what ever. They could also fail to see the need to work and then lose there house. All sorts of people create all sorts of reasons why this type of thing would never work. In the end it would be the same situation with some of us having houses and some of us not and some of us would be exploiting the weak and the dumb and living like kings. Thats why we have rulers in the first place. They were just better at the game then everyone else or started in a better position because someone in there gene pool was better at it.


I say cut education funding and put the cash from it into social security accounts for us all. Who knows how long we could all sit around on our asses bench racing and whatever.



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Guest Ohiomike

what idoit came up with 170 billion gets everyone a free house?


sounds like someone is trying skew opinion by spewing bs facts around...


I'm sure I'll see this figure being tossed around real soon in the next political debate i see... hah 170 billion...


assuming the US govt decided to pay for everyones house... and the 10 trillion it would cost(just guessing). The price will exponentially increase immediately for labor... then corruption that ensues for that 10 trillion. The labor market... the banks that go broke, the layoffs... the huge ripple that kills the us economy and the world...


this is like electric cars, while a neat idea... there are way many people who would lose their lively hoods that would fight tooth and nail to make sure it doesnt happen.

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assuming the US govt decided to pay for everyones house... and the 10 trillion it would cost(just guessing). The price will exponentially increase immediately for labor... then corruption that ensues for that 10 trillion. The labor market... the banks that go broke, the layoffs... the huge ripple that kills the us economy and the world...


this is like electric cars, while a neat idea... there are way many people who would lose their lively hoods that would fight tooth and nail to make sure it doesnt happen.


Eric doesn't allow himself to see that side of things. The far leftists (ie socialists and communists) promise rainbows and sunshine if you subscribe to their ideals, and don't tell you about what happens when you try their shit in the real world.

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Okay, so this is obviously a biased article, but what stands out to me is wtf happened to the right and ability of the people to keep the government in check. This government was set up so that if the people thought it necessary, any leader could be taken out of power had he become lucid and out of his mind. In the initial stages of the war, Bush asked for I believe $87billion, and people flipped a shit. Everyone on the left said it'd be better spent doing this that and the other thing. Everyone on the right said it was a necessary expenditure that would result in a better situation for Iraq. Now, almost 4 years after the initial invasion, they're still asking for billions more with the promise that "we need money to make it better." Sorry, Bush Administration, you failed with the first $87billion, and then the rest of the money (wherever the $350billion came from, I'm skeptical but whatever). Now you want us to give you more so you can continue to fail? Fuck that. Yet, if the 70% of people who disapprove of the Bush administration's handling of Iraq decided they just wanted to rise up and displace him, every one of them would be standing in a back room in the airport with their pants down getting a cavity search.
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Guest Ohiomike

viva la revolution?... Bush is being slowed down, the recent election showed that.


But are you going to abandon our troops and the Iraq war? I for one wouldnt suggest that. 80 billion is a drop in the bucket. 300 billion? eh its getting up there a bit.


But you fail to realize that 300 or so billion, alot of that is going to US companies and service men... So it goes into the economy. Now if all those servicemen go buy Honda's built in Ohio... 15k stays here, 8k goes to japan... Understand they arent just "burning" money.


honestly there was no way this wasnt going to happen in Iraq... the opposition to the US had planned it. This is for the control of the middle east(between US vs Iran/Syria/muslim nations). I don't know what Bush could or can do to stop them from murdering themselves? I have yet to hear one good idea to stop whats going on(and yes they know this)... If they can keep a road bomb or a market bombing in the US news everyday they are happy(and thusly keeping it in your face). Not that it shouldnt be in your face but they are hoping to "out gore" the US public.


They look at this as their holy war. They are killing each other in order to create civil war.


Trust me Iran DOESNT want a nice peaceful democratic muslim state next door.


Saudi... Kuwait... believe it or not they don't like them and they would attack those two if they had the power or the balls.

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