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The PS3 flop


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Anyone else notice that SOME of the 60gig PS3s are going for LESS on ebay than bought in a store.


LOL at those who actually thought they could buy one and make MAD cash off one. Im sure in the first few days there were some who made money, now there are those who cant even get what they paid for them hah. There are thousands of them listed rite now.


Just had to laugh :)

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Anyone else notice that SOME of the 60gig PS3s are going for LESS on ebay than bought in a store.


LOL at those who actually thought they could buy one and make MAD cash off one. Im sure in the first few days there were some who made money, now there are those who cant even get what they paid for them hah. There are thousands of them listed rite now.


Just had to laugh :)



I still got one in my closet waiting to sell. Looks like i'll be returning to the store this weekend. Create another nice thread, Pandora...!

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on a side note the Wii seems to be selling great. selling for at least $100 for the base unit.

I think the idea of a new type of interface like the controller was brilliant and allot of people want to try it out.

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Anyone ever thought of how tired your arms will get throwing them around like a sword or what not? I just think your arms would start hurting as well waving that controller around.


Anyone have one and used it yet?



they do couple friend said that after about 4 to 6 hrs of playing the arms were jello.

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I have it, games like zelda don't wear you out because for the most part you just use the regular controls. On wii sports though theres a boxing game and you actually do get tired playing it, which I think is really sorta cool. Theres also a bowling game on it which I was playing for a while last week with some friends, we all went for real bowling the next day with each of us throwing throwing the best game we've ever thrown. I threw a 179.
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I think the idea of a new type of interface like the controller was brilliant and allot of people want to try it out.


It is a great idea. The thing is a cardio workout, I wore myself out playing the boxing and some other Wii sports games. Most fun gaming system on the market, especially for the $$$!

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I just can't see paying $600 minimum for a system that does the same thing as the Xbox 360, and the Wii is just too much fun especially for $250.

Yea the price of the ps3 will be the thing that hurts it most. It does come with things that the 360 does not but as far as gamers are concerned I don't think that warrants the cost.

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Sorry if this is a threadjack but what's the status on racing games between the two systems? Any personal favorites? I hated that PGR3 got rid of the lower class cars, I have played it some at a friend's and found it wholly unappealing (might as well be NFS). I am looking forward to seeing Forza 2 on the 360 and am considering getting one just for that purpose. Any other good games to look out for on any of the three systems?
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Anyone else notice that SOME of the 60gig PS3s are going for LESS on ebay than bought in a store.


LOL at those who actually thought they could buy one and make MAD cash off one. Im sure in the first few days there were some who made money, now there are those who cant even get what they paid for them hah. There are thousands of them listed rite now.


Just had to laugh :)

I got a chuckle out of that myself...sorry Putty! :zoom:

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