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Flexible rules?


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I understand the reasoning behind the closing of the infamous IPS thread and agree both sides let it get out of hand. But, I feel I must point out that the thread was in the kitchen and once moved there, should not have been closed. If had never been moved there and remained in The Parking Lot or wherever (it's been so long, lol), the same rules would not reply and it could've been closed. But it wasn't, it was in the Kitchen. I quote, "Welcome to the CR Flame Room. If you can't stand the heat, get outta The Kitchen." The fire has officially been 'put out' thus, showing the inability to "stand the heat" and bending the rules for personal reasons or at least reasons not pertaining to the rules of The Kitchen.

Where does it end? We let this go by and before long, the mods will be editing things and banning people all willy-nilly! I, for one, am standing up to this shi... hang on... Damn, gf's home. I gotta go. :( :zoom:

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It was a fucking gossip fest anyway. Why does it matter if it's locked? People think that they know someone, because they post on the same site. When you are around that person, then you can say you know them. Glad to see it locked. Not for the people involved, but so all of the people on the board would get out of it. People spent more time reading that piece of shit than working on their cars. Go change the plugs or get laid. Seeing those post times made me laugh, because you knew those people were just sitting at the computer for HOURS on end waiting to chime in or reply. Fuck, there isn't even snow on the ground yet and people aren't going out in their car anymore. My .02. Happy Holidays.
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this is cr. the rules have always applied only to the people that the greens want them to.


not even that really both greg and ISP voiced there opinions and concerns and even stated they were done and to contact them directly which was fine since they were done posting in the thread. Dragging that thread out anymore was not benifiting either party so there there was no point. besides the thread was dead anyway.

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since when have threads in the kitchen been about benefitting anybody? look, they locked it, its their prerogative, but dont kid yourself into thinking that any justification they give has anything to do with some idea of the greater good. just like you shouldnt get into your head that there are any hard and fast rules concerning this site. threaten someone? get a ban. racist? get a ban. even these rules have been bent and occasionally broken without consequence, because it suited chris, and to a lesser extent, anthony. im not hating, im just stating the facts.
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The contents of the thread were hurting certain people's businesses and livliehoods. It probably was best to not continue that on the internet.

So your telling me, that if a sponsor of your forum was possibly doing some shady stuff, you dont want others opinions or thoughts on the matter. please. But greg (being the dick bag he is) started it. which IMO, should have stayyed on RC.


Ive spoke with several people about IPS over the past years , Ive heard good and bad. The bad mostly being from the people they have pissed off what have you (some people just dont like the way they handle themselves or whatever, backing up the fact that you just cant make everyone happy). Greg on the other hand, I just dont plain like him at all. Am i siding with either, NO.



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A lot of that thead ended up being people sharing their own experiences with IPS. That kind of stuff is better left to the correct forum, "consumer reports". A lot of forums flat out forbid "vendor flaming" whether people think that vendor is doing something shady or not. The thread had run its course, there was no need to keep it open anymore.
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We bent the rules by not banning you after you called two white guys "honkeys" in a post yesterday.


Quit your bitching, the thread life was over as it wasn't getting anywhere. Look what happened last time something with an "IPS vs." thread.


Nobody won and we're on good terms to this day. I like Greg, I like the Yetzers, and I was in Chicago. Blow me.

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If I was a sponsor for a website that let everybody hate on me I wouldnt be a sponsor for much longer. And whats up with the Greg bashing? I dont really know him all that well, but he has helped me out a ton.... I guess to each his own.

I'm going back to my dark cave now to work on the batmobile.

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The only reason IPS is a sponsor of Cr is because I hounded them to be. Stillman and Anthony both know this to be true. Jeff and Mike both said CR is a waste of time and no one from CR spends any money.


Just remember if you ever have an issue with them and they disagree with you, just remember how they have addressed the issues I have with them.

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