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First time going to a chiropractor, should I be worried?


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i dont feel like reading everyone's posts..

but really, go see a chiropractor. trust me on this. a chiropractor saved me of getting back surgery. i'm not even kidding. if the chiropractor doesn't work..THEN go see a "real" doctor. but chiropractors are real doctors. haha. and dont be worried. it's just some cracking and popping and it feels awesome once you get used to it ;)


*edit* i saw you went..excellent choice. :)

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Little late chiming in...


I've been to a handful of chiro's. Out of them, only one was really good and he truly cared and helped alot. Now and days, it's much harder to become a chiro (as it should be) no more two years and your done shit; like Rick said earlier in this thread. I would advise first going with some of his Dr. recommendations. Give it a shot.

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Good choice Joe, I injured my back my freshman year (I fell off something really high) and the only thing that did help me feel better was a once a week visit to my Chiropractor here in Westerville, he saved my soccer season that year.
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