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first wheelie/best wheelie


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Well, I don't know about best...but here is the funniest:

Back in high school, I was riding on the back of my buddy's 4-wheeler with no helmet (we were just putzing through the woods) and we went up the hill in my back yard. At the top, my friend decided to do a wheelie and me not being prepared fell of the back...except my legs were stuck so my head just dragged along the ground for a while. My mom was watching the whole thing from the back porch.. :lol:

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i have seen burn_out_boy do a 2 mile stand up through curves and straights.. pretty crazy

I'd love to see that... I have a good friend that can do hella good wheelies. I wont do them. I refuse to teach myself on my bike cuz it's just too pretty. I know if I learn I'll just do them all the time. Then I'll get in trouble all the time or crash doing something stupider than I already do... lol

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I watched a buddy on 95 CBR 900 do a standup into 5th gear up the hill on 27 toward Colerain from River Rd. entrance. the worst part was the 20 mph cross wind...

My most eye popping was at a race where I was battling for the win and almost every time out of the last corner (only spot I could get along side the 1k with my 600) I would cut under him at the apex and then stand up a bit off the knee and dang near pin the throttle.

Several times while cranked over the front would come up as I started to stand the bike up.

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I was 4, dad got me a yellow yamaha 50cc, i pulled back on it like my older cousins were doing and that sombeech came all the way over and dominated me into a sidewalk.

I remember it like it was yesterday.

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First wheelie on the 636 came when messing around with xtremef4i in first gear. We both just left a stop sign and gave her hell except at the top end my bike started to lift.....a lot. okay maybe 6 inches or so, but I sure as hell wasn't expecting it. It messed up seeing if Brad's regeared f4i could keep up with my bike. We're still waiting to test it out again.

I always liked the mini wheelies you get going over a small hump in the road at full throttle.

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I always liked the mini wheelies you get going over a small hump in the road at full throttle.

no thats when you pin the throttle and get both wheels off the ground!!! fun stuff.

but i have yet to do a wheelie, on purpose anyway, i have pulled the front wheel off the ground running out of the keyhole at mid-ohio and thats about it. i have yet to see the fun in doing one and the consequence is far greater than the reward to me.

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mine was a total accident. i mean when the other person floors it from a red light what choices do i have.

i mean i am a reasonable person and what does a reasonable person do when the light turns green and the guy beside them launches. they go WOT. i just happen to let out on the clutch to fast and before i knew it front wheel was off the ground and i was hoping i did not end up like this http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4MEagaghe0k

but then i can say as long as the person walks away and its not my bike it is kind of fun to watch when things go wrong

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My 3 most scary wheelies.

1: 97 TL-1000S was at a HS buddies few years after graduation, and as I left they wanted to see me take off (not wheelie, just get on the gas). I pull out of drive way get some room then turn around. The road had a intersection about 200 ft from where I was then after that a downhill. I get on the gas hard, but not WOT, 6k RPM the bike starts to lift a few inches. As I hit the down hill after the intersection I hit 8k rpm and powerband #2. Rear tire chase down the hill while front rises. As I hold the gas neutral and bike floats down the hill, and as I get to the bottom roll off gas and front sets down. Then I had to change my pants.

#2 Heading to Class I Miami Hamilton

As I make the turn onto Peck Blvd i roll first gear and lean into the Right hander. Midway through corner I decide to shift 2nd and hit the gas. Still leaned over the front comes up about a foot and half. Ok so I cross the bars up to full lock to the left and roll the gas to keep it up. Well bike decides to drop back to N and set down. I barely get the bars straight as it slams down and I stand the bike up. Then go to class after throwing underwear away.

#3 (did it twice) 1998 CBR 900

Was trying wheelies but struggling getting the front up on purpose. So 1st gear i grab the clutch at 10 mph rev it and dump it. Front wheel comes up so fast the tank hits me in the chest and knocks the wind out of me. Lucking I rolled off immediatly and compression braking brought the front back down.

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I have done wheelies forever,but my fav one was at a closed track in florida and i was wot leaned hard over and the track dipped a little and the front lofted about 6in for the remainder of the turn. It felt like nothing i have ever felt. My TL1000 was a wheelie king and i can get it past 12 till the pipes hit. Wheelies are fun,but they too get old and the need for speed kicks in!


Edited by gixxie750
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I usually carry the front wheel pretty good launching the busa at the track, but no where near 12... I bet I'd be lucky to have barely broken the 9 o'clock zone, I'm always worried about coming down hard on the forks and fuggin' them up. This is the only night I took the SV out last year.


Best wheelie ever - my pedal bike, 1200 feet down my parents driveway.

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  • 4 weeks later...

There is a bridge that crosses from ohio to indiana that I ride wheelies accross all the time. A few years ago i did it with a friend bhind me, about 50 maybe 100 canoe (ers)

in the river under it. When i sat it down I got terrible tank slap. I nearly went over the bridge, but in a split second I pinned it and brought the wheel back up, then sat her down again. When I got to my buddies house there was what appeared to be a hershey kiss on my seat from where my butthole puckered and sucked the leather up!

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There is a bridge that crosses from ohio to indiana that I ride wheelies accross all the time. A few years ago i did it with a friend bhind me, about 50 maybe 100 canoe (ers)

in the river under it. When i sat it down I got terrible tank slap. I nearly went over the bridge, but in a split second I pinned it and brought the wheel back up, then sat her down again. When I got to my buddies house there was what appeared to be a hershey kiss on my seat from where my butthole puckered and sucked the leather up!


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