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first wheelie/best wheelie


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I've only done a handful of wheelies, and I can remember damn near all of them as if I had just done them 10 mins ago.

Within a few months of buying the bike, I found a small parking lot that I could dick around in. I was actually just trying to get my hard launch technique refined, but I then found out that if I ran WOT from first the front would come up if I wasn't being careful. Did one or two small ones and then chickened out :p

Last winter I found a longer stretch of asphalt to do the same thing; an empty backroad out near the Columbus airport. Basically more of the same; hard launches with the front end coming up shortly before clicking up into second.

I eventually got to the point where I wanted to actually do a wheelie, and using the tried-and-true 1st gear slow roll - power on - power off - hard power on technique, I promptly brought the front up about a foot or more and nutted myself so goddamn hard I havn't wanted to do a wheelie since.

Aside from that, the only times I can remember that the front has come up has been on the crest of some hills during hard twisty riding; I love hitting hills and not letting of the throttle and feeling the front end leave the road and glide back down once the rear end crests the hill. I only do this in one or two areas where I know exactly what awaits on the other side of the hill, and even then it's usually too dangerous for my tastes. Hills = blind spots = not a place to fuck around on public roads, at least as far as I'm concerned.

Besides; my clutch and I have a quiet agreement; I don't cause unnecessary damage to him, and he won't die and cost me a few hundred dollars and several hours of labor.

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i've only been attempting stunting for a total of... an hour. haha so my story is short. =)

was at jeremygsxr's house, we was kind enough to let me have at it. road a small one for about 2 seconds. was fun. wanna be able to pop them and keep em up for a while... then on to other stunts :p

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hey no hijacking. wheelies wheelies wheelies. since its to cold to ride take that time and put it into telling stories of how it was when it wasn't this cold.

for instance i was out on my 1972 honda 350 scrambler when i dumped the clutch at 6000 rpm and that thing sent the front wheel up about 3 feet. now of course i was freaking out, but i put my feet on the back pegs and rode that sob down the street giving the bird to the cops as i rode by (this story is completely fake of course i dumped the clutch to fast and the front almost felt like the suspension uncompressed a wee bit, but you get the idea)

wheelies :dj:

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