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10 Questions Intelligent Christians Must Answer


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No, this is not to start a religious war thread. Just an interesting watch. Some of it makes a good point, some of it can be explained. There are things the guy takes to literally from the bible, but other point are well expressed. He does get a little harsh sounding at the end if you're Christian, but not a 'mean' harsh.


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People need to see the Bible for what it is, it's a book of fucking stories, nothing more. It's not a historical document, thoush some stories are inspired by actual events. It's not an instruction book.

Many of the stories aren't true, but they dont have to be, they exist to make a point, that's it. The point of Jesus untangling nets and walking on water wasn't; "OMG Jesus is bad ass powerfull, look at him go!", the point is, he liked helping people and he want you do to the same.

The guys who wrote the passages in the Bible that deal with homos were not the orionators of the stories. The bible wasn't written down until a few centuries after Jesus' death. Back to the point: it's a bunch of stories ment to convery a message.


So the guy that made up the story of Sodom and Gamora, and whoever said that homo blood was vile acid, obviously had a problem with homos. Is it because God and Jesus hate fags? No, it's not. It's because in a society full of people who couldn;t read, homosexual practices were bad for religous buisness. The only way they kept power was through the people, they only way they kept the people was through generations. No one passed out fliers to the iliterate. Family is the most important part of keeping a religon going, and homosexuality was(is) a threat to that. They dont have kids, they don't pass on, they don't breed and increase the christian population. Look at the Quakers, they didn't breed, how long did they last?


God didn't hate fags, the story tellers hated fags (and all trivial, lustful, and non-committed folk), and they hated them because they didn't work in the scheme of things religous. They need guys penises in womens vur'jhinas, and they needed them raising the kid.


god demands the death of homosexuals



Fo' Real. I wasn't aware that an omnipotent super being wasn't capable of cappin a few coriographers.


According to the old testiment, God also demands:

-charity for the poor

-the death penalty for evangelists of other faiths (Baptists aint hebrew)

-debt cancelation

-animal sacrifice

-allow new husbands, new home owners, farmers, and cowards to leave the army


Where are the Republicans on that shit? If you're going hardline one thing, you aught to hardline it all.

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