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im gonna be a total bitch


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DONT adopt a dog, if you cannot make time for it.


Jesus Christ.


Its not hard. Yes, they are cute, offer to play with a neighbors dog, or something, but DONT ADOPT if you cant fucking take care of it. You made an agreement to that poor animal who is just looking for a home.



ARGH!!!!!!!!!!!! :o



/steps off box

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Well the dog I had offered to a good home on Cr I took in off the street. Paid for all the medical the dog needed to get the dog back to health. Fed the dog to bring it back to weight. I also paid to have the dog neutered. After I tried to care for it and no one on here wanted it, he was placed in a beagle rescue where he has 5 acres to roam on and does not live in a cage.


You must remember that the thread asking for someone to take the dog does not always tell the full story. For someone outside the situation to assume that the person getting rid of the dog is doing so because they are backing out on the commitment they made when the adopted the dog is being judgmental.

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maybe you shouldn't be bitching lots of people get an animal and then for whatever reason there circumstances change whats more fair to the animal leave it caged 14 hours a day or maybe offer it to someone who can spend lots of time with it so the dog can have a full happy life, our dog here isn't much better off here than he was at the pound it didn't start out that way, but I'd rather see him get a good home than spend all day in cage here its not the dogs fault when our schedules change
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Dave I don't agree with her fyi. I was just pointing out the threads because soneone asked why. My questions is people have babies all the time and give them away are you going to start a thread about that too? I guess it goes with out saying "stay in your lane". You don't know others business, hell they could have a kid that developed a allergy to dogs for all you know. Would you make your child suffer because of a dog? I don't know many parents that test their kids for allergies before getting a dog, it is a mean thing to do to a young child. I hated to get tested for that stuff when I was little.
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maybe you shouldn't be bitching lots of people get an animal and then for whatever reason there circumstances change whats more fair to the animal leave it caged 14 hours a day or maybe offer it to someone who can spend lots of time with it so the dog can have a full happy life, our dog here isn't much better off here than he was at the pound it didn't start out that way, but I'd rather see him get a good home than spend all day in cage here its not the dogs fault when our schedules change




When I got my dog, I wasn't working the 12 hour shifts that I am now...

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DONT adopt a dog, if you cannot make time for it.


Jesus Christ.


Its not hard. Yes, they are cute, offer to play with a neighbors dog, or something, but DONT ADOPT if you cant fucking take care of it. You made an agreement to that poor animal who is just looking for a home.



ARGH!!!!!!!!!!!! :o



/steps off box



Listen you dumb cunt, first of all you dont know my situation. Second I didnt adopt the dag, my girlfriend did cause she was home all day and was able to give it the attention it needed. Then situations happened where she wasnt goin to be here all day nor was I cause I have to work and I felt it was suitable for the dog to go to someone who would give it some attention during the day instead of it being locked in a crate all day. I am sure you are one of the dumb bitches that leave dogs in crates all day and thinks that the dog is fine. Dog need to run and be active so they dont get back joint or arthritus. So get back into the laundry room where you dumb ass belongs and do something productive.

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