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anyone watch adult swim tonight?


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i was watching family guy and during one of the commercials they did one of there black screen things and tonight it said "Appreciation and thanks go to THE Ohio State Buckeyes for setting the bar so high on the definition of over rated, Go Bucks!" i about pissed my self laughing
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LOL@Adult Swim



Why? They don't owe you anything. They didn't lose your game or your title, they lost theirs. If you honestly think you're attatched to that because you bought a T-Shirt, seek professional help.



Proud Alum. Class of 99. Everytime I buy tickets or make a donation to the university, that "attatches" me to them. When they lose, I lose. When they win, I win.


It's called being a fan and not a cynic. Maybe try it sometime.

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LOL@Adult Swim



Why? They don't owe you anything. They didn't lose your game or your title, they lost theirs. If you honestly think you're attatched to that because you bought a T-Shirt, seek professional help.




Just because you don't understand or agree with a passion of mine doesnt give you the right to suggest mental therapy. I think that the Buckeyes would be the first to say that they owe a lot to their fans and supporters, as we're the some of the best and most passionate in the land. I feel betrayed because I was led to believe that this was a Buckeye team for the ages that had the ability and drive to make history and win a national title. The team that played in the Nat'l Championship was NOT that team. I feel bad for my friends who went out to the game.

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Did anyone really think after almost a two month lay off ANY team could be what they were during the regular season.


I was concerned... but I also enjoyed a GREAT year of Buckeye football!!!


I hope (and doubt) we'll see the same next season. If we're in the top ten in the ratings I'll be happy.


But as always... GO BUCKS!

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Just because you don't understand or agree with a passion of mine.

"Your pasion" is some one elses accomplishments, nothing to be proud of.


I think that the Buckeyes would be the first to say that they owe a lot to their fans and supporters, as we're the some of the best and most passionate in the land.

About the Bucks, you are correct. They probably do feel bad, but it doesn't make it right. About the fans, FUCK no, and you're proving it. All those great seasons, and they have a shitty game and you all fucking turn on them. You're not a Fan, you're an asshole. A fan would take it in stride, you bitch and moan, complaining about what was advertised and what you were owed. "Best fans" my ass.


It's called being a fan and not a cynic. Maybe try it sometime.
There's a difference between being a fan and a pathetic crying child. A fan cheers when times are good and laments when times are bad. A Fan feels "betrayed" when a player gambles against himself, or a team throws a game. A fan DOES NOT feel "betrayed" because their team loses to a better team. The people still whining about this are either being melodramatic, or have put far too much emotional stock into a ballgame. I'm a fan of many things, I'm also an adult who realizes what things realy mean. Some one elses accomplishments are theirs, not yours. If you cry about it, you do need help.


God help your kids if they ever have a bad game; "I can't beleive you let ME down like that, you betrayed me!"

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"Your pasion" is some one elses accomplishments, nothing to be proud of.



About the Bucks, you are correct. They probably do feel bad, but it doesn't make it right. About the fans, FUCK no, and you're proving it. All those great seasons, and they have a shitty game and you all fucking turn on them. You're not a Fan, you're an asshole. A fan would take it in stride, you bitch and moan, complaining about what was advertised and what you were owed. "Best fans" my ass.


There's a difference between being a fan and a pathetic crying child. A fan cheers when times are good and laments when times are bad. A Fan feels "betrayed" when a player gambles against himself, or a team throws a game. A fan DOES NOT feel "betrayed" because their team loses to a better team. The people still whining about this are either being melodramatic, or have put far too much emotional stock into a ballgame. I'm a fan of many things, I'm also an adult who realizes what things realy mean. Some one elses accomplishments are theirs, not yours. If you cry about it, you do need help.


God help your kids if they ever have a bad game; "I can't beleive you let ME down like that, you betrayed me!"



Wow, where do I even start? The fact that they lost the game has no significance as to how I feel. Like your boy, Clinton would say..."It's HOW THEY LOST, STUPID!"


Come out of your "better than thou" hole and listen to what we are saying. The team we watched all year did not show up. Thats all we are saying. If they truly fought, truly tried, played like the champions they are and still lost, so be it.


Thanks for the concern about my future kids, but we'll be just fine. Your kids have to worry about a father who goes off half cocked on anyone with a different point of view.

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Can we close these fucking threads?


Benz Guy, I think I am coming to the realization that you just have to be on the "other" side of everything, no matter what it is. Maybe you just come off that way on the internet, but in 9/10 threads it seems this way.

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Come out of your "better than thou" hole and listen to what we are saying. The team we watched all year did not show up. Thats all we are saying. If they truly fought, truly tried, played like the champions they are and still lost, so be it.

First off, the term is "Holier then thou". ;)


Second, it was the team you watched all year, not the team you played on all year, or the team you coached all year. All you did was watch, yell, drink, and buy hats. So you are in no position to critique the way they played. It wasn't your game, it was theirs, and I'm pretty sure they wanted to win and they played to the best of their abilities. Their best just wasn't good enough. If you've ever actually played anything on a competitive level, you'd know that every game is different, you're different and they're different. You sit on your couch while those men do the work, and have the nerve to bitch when they don't work hard enough to please you. That's not a fan.


It's not a matter of being on the other side, it's a matter of speaking up when I see some fucked up shit. ;)

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First off, the term is "Holier then thou". ;)


Second, it was the team you watched all year, not the team you played on all year, or the team you coached all year. All you did was watch, yell, drink, and buy hats. So you are in no position to critique the way they played. It wasn't your game, it was theirs, and I'm pretty sure they wanted to win and they played to the best of their abilities. Their best just wasn't good enough. If you've ever actually played anything on a competitive level, you'd know that every game is different, you're different and they're different. You sit on your couch while those men do the work, and have the nerve to bitch when they don't work hard enough to please you. That's not a fan.


It's not a matter of being on the other side, it's a matter of speaking up when I see some fucked up shit. ;)



Thanks for setting me straight. Maybe if you ever attended Ohio State and graduated, you would feel different. I am a part of that University. A very small part. It gives me the right to be disappointed. It gives me the right to critique. It gives me the right to say they did not play their best game.


I'm not saying I'm special because I had the opportunity to go there. I am saying you shoot your mouth off without examing all points of view.



That being said, if you dont get it, you never will.

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man you guys messed up a thread just about something funny i saw on tv. i hate to say it but Benz Guy is right, bucks fans have an almost cult like followling that makes mopar guys look good. i would say the majority of people in this stupid state that are bucks fans don't know its just a game and take it way to serious.
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man you guys messed up a thread just about something funny i saw on tv. i hate to say it but Benz Guy is right, bucks fans have an almost cult like followling that makes mopar guys look good. i would say the majority of people in this stupid state that are bucks fans don't know its just a game and take it way to serious.




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Thanks for setting me straight. Maybe if you ever attended Ohio State and graduated, you would feel different.

I should scan my Buck ID. lol ;)

I go to main for the libraries and the Mountaineers club, no free time is spent there otherwise. I know lots of students who don't give a shit. You guys are the squeaky wheels. You can feel disappointed, even I was disappointed and I don't even give a shit. "Betrayed" is out on the fringe, it's personal.


What percentage of rabid buck fans have never set foot on a college campus while sober?

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It's at times like these I'm happy I'm from Cleveland. We're used to choking and disappointment.


The Tribe since '54

The Browns since the 60's

The Cavs since... well... forever (the 80's were nice, except for that dude in Chicago with the anti-grav shoes)

The Force, err Crunch, err Force, errr... .why the hell am I even thinking about soccer?

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