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The Housewolf


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What better to complement a home alarm system than a half Red Timberwolf/half Artic Timberwolf that will top out around 90lbs?


She also keeps the Husky amused and not chewing on everything.

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$300 from a breeder in Greenfield, Indiana.


This is the second Timberwolf I've owned. The first was very well behaved, extremely intelligent, and very good with others. I had to get rid of her after I'd moved to Florida due to Florida's anti-wolf laws. Ohio doesn't have them.


Her name is Migloo, and she's better behaved and a lot less hyper than Nakita, our Husky. But yes, if I broke into a house and was confronted by a pissed-off wolf, I'd quit while I was ahead :D

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Wolf-on-a-leash, I'm still grasping the concept.


She's already housebroken, knows her name, doesn't try to eat the cats, and did well on a three hour trip from Indiana in the car.


It's almost like they should have been better off staying wild as a pet than being domesticated as compared to "regular" dogs.

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do these things have to have obediance training in order to be good pets? especially with kids? I know alot of animals if they know that the kids are their master's kids will look after them as their own... but that's still scarey... I'd be all for getting a wolf or a husky if they didn't chew on everything.
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