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Hilliard cop made my night


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There are good cops and bad cops! It sucks when one cop does something wrong because the rest of us get lumped into that were assholes catagory. I feel for ya about the cop lying in court but just because You had a bad experience with one doesnt mean all are bad. Oh and I do ticket speeders but I dont write till 15 over, I think thats very fair in my opinion.
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I forgot the cop will probably get a ticket for failure to control. I got one when I wrecked my cruiser. It will probably come from the chief or who ever is in control of fleet safety. It has to be from an officer that is higher ranked though.
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That would suck...talk about salt in wounds....ouch :eek:


I forgot the cop will probably get a ticket for failure to control. I got one when I wrecked my cruiser. It will probably come from the chief or who ever is in control of fleet safety. It has to be from an officer that is higher ranked though.
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That's cool....is that just you or is there a typical speed over that most are looking for?


There are good cops and bad cops! It sucks when one cop does something wrong because the rest of us get lumped into that were assholes catagory. I feel for ya about the cop lying in court but just because You had a bad experience with one doesnt mean all are bad. Oh and I do ticket speeders but I dont write till 15 over, I think thats very fair in my opinion.
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There are good cops and bad cops! It sucks when one cop does something wrong because the rest of us get lumped into that were assholes catagory. I feel for ya about the cop lying in court but just because You had a bad experience with one doesnt mean all are bad. Oh and I do ticket speeders but I dont write till 15 over, I think thats very fair in my opinion.


+1 on the good cops. I was going up 5th ave and decided to drop into 2nd and got up to 50 or so in a 25. I saw 2 columbus police sitting on a side street talking and i slowed the fuck down. I turned into a parking lot where I was heading and the police flipped on the lights. One of them walks up to me and asks whats the rush, I responded with "No reason in particularly" Then he says do you know how fast you were going? I said 40 in a 25 or so. He Took my license and registration and came back a few minutes later saying "Im giving you a warning drive safe. By the way your exhaust is illegal you need to get that changed" I just agreed and went on with my day.


Of course theirs asshole cops, but theres a good share of nice ones too.

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Oh and I do ticket speeders but I dont write till 15 over, I think thats very fair in my opinion.

Where were you? lol I got ticketed for doing 64mph on a 5 lane open highway that happened to have cones stuffed on the shoulder. :)

I've known good cops, but rarely encounter them on the highway.

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That would suck...talk about salt in wounds....ouch :eek:


Umm? Salt in what wounds? That same cop probably wrote a few failure to control tickets that day for the same exact accident. I'm very happy for him and if he gets ticketed good, fired even better. One less ticket machine to worry about. Especially since he was just one of the ones parked around hilliard/dublin. You know all they do is write tickets.



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I forgot the cop will probably get a ticket for failure to control. I got one when I wrecked my cruiser. It will probably come from the chief or who ever is in control of fleet safety. It has to be from an officer that is higher ranked though.



I find it pretty awsome that your a cop, and ppl talk about whos the king of I-270 HAHA.

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Given that car crashes are the #1 killer of teens and that many of those same teens hit innocent folks like my wife and kids simply going to daycare or to work.....like I said earlier, I'll gladly dodge them and if I happen to get nailed, sure I'll be ticked.....for getting busted doing something that I know is against the rules. One of them may have just saved your life or that of a loved one from a major wreck that wasn't caused by them, you just don't know it.


All depends on how you look at it really.


Umm? Salt in what wounds? That same cop probably wrote a few failure to control tickets that day for the same exact accident. I'm very happy for him and if he gets ticketed good, fired even better. One less ticket machine to worry about. Especially since he was just one of the ones parked around hilliard/dublin. You know all they do is write tickets.



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Originally Posted by 98fiveseven

Speeding yep technicaly guilty again but they cant "prove" it. I mean its in the country out of the way and I know my surroundings pretty well and I will stretch the legs on the Camaro out everynow and again, Chris or his parents can attest to some high speed runs down one of the local roads lol


Paul all of marysville can attest to your speed runs down that road. :) With the old exhaust I could be sitting in the parents house and tell if you were going towards route 4 or towards me. I loved the old exhaust but it doesnt even compare to how sweet the cut out is.

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