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Too cold for school???????

V8 Beast

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My son gets to stay home from school because its too cold!!!! I remember standing at the bus stop in 5 layers of clothes, knee deep in snow and ice. I think I may have even suffered from minor frost bite on a few occasions. Kids have it good now a days!!!!!! The bus picks him up in front of the damn house but it too cold for him to walk to the sidewalk :confused: I guess its because of the kids that have to walk to school. However I know a lot of you had to walk in stuff worse than this..... Oh well, now I have to call off of work to watch him :D
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My son will be giving me shit for this today. Last night before he went to bed he asks what the weather channel (channel) is. I said I don't know but don't worry, you'll have school tomorrow.


Wife comes to the bedroom at 11:30 and says "they don't have school tomorrow"..

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My son will be giving me shit for this today. Last night before he went to bed he asks what the weather channel (channel) is. I said I don't know but don't worry, you'll have school tomorrow.


Wife comes to the bedroom at 11:30 and says "they don't have school tomorrow"..



Owned by the weather channel.

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... my middle school bus stop was a middle school. the messed up part we were not supposed to wait inside the foyer between the first set of doors and the second. was really lame. we used tos end in someone on a mission anyways to get us in (They were locked)


But I can only rember one time they shut down school with out snow. it involved lots of ice though.




But, we also lived 8 blocks from bus stop.


Man this explains why after middle school i gained weight.

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Buck51 So Gahanna didn't have school today? Huh well hopefully they do tommorow since my daughter only goes to Pre-k 2 times a week. BUt Yes I don't remember missing school b/c it was too cold.
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Buck51 So Gahanna didn't have school today? Huh well hopefully they do tommorow since my daughter only goes to Pre-k 2 times a week. BUt Yes I don't remember missing school b/c it was too cold.


Yeah.. pretty much no one has school. Normally if Columbus city Schools call off, everyone else is.

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I used to live in Minnesota. -30 isn't unusual this time of year. I remember standing at the bus stop in full on snowmobile gear waiting for the bus. And we didn't have a stop at every house, just every neighborhood.
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I went to K-7th grades in SW Michigan. in that 8 years we had 2(two) snow days, and I have the pics we took while we were off..walking up the snow pile from shoveling the driveway to the gutters on the roof. that was winter 77-78. When I got off work at 7:30 this morning it was -15 with the windchill..nobody, especially kids need to be out in that.
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Kids are growing up too pampered. If not by the parents, than by the public. Everyone is so afraid of getting sued, they postpone life. The way we are going; in 15 years, if someone runs into a survival type situation, they are probably fucked. And it all is based off of school closings for it being cold.


Kidding on that.


I'm not trying to be anti-progress. It's just that it's not all that cold. Yes, it sucks out. But, cancel school?

Run the buses, if parents feel it too cold, it's on them to get there kid there or not let them go.

Now you have a parent calling off. Less money coming into the house. Taxes still have to be paid. Day off from school for this = cost $ on both sides = lose.

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I'm from Rochester, NY. We hardly ever closed school. A snow day in Rochester meant there was literally 2 feet of snow on the ground that fell within a 24 hour period and someone held a gun to the superintendent's head. I laugh everytime they close schools here for 3 inches of snow or cold temperatures... :lol:
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I always thought they cancelled school when it was cold because it would be a bitch to get the buses started because they are diesel.....

Yup everyone is citing other cites that are used to cold temps like this. Those school districts and cities are more prepared for and used to dealing with cold temps and snow fall.

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Kids are growing up too pampered. If not by the parents, than by the public. Everyone is so afraid of getting sued, they postpone life. The way we are going; in 15 years, if someone runs into a survival type situation, they are probably fucked. And it all is based off of school closings for it being cold.


Kidding on that.


I'm not trying to be anti-progress. It's just that it's not all that cold. Yes, it sucks out. But, cancel school?

Run the buses, if parents feel it too cold, it's on them to get there kid there or not let them go.

Now you have a parent calling off. Less money coming into the house. Taxes still have to be paid. Day off from school for this = cost $ on both sides = lose.


My sister is a year older than you, and she remembers getting 1-2 days off per year due to cold weather back in the 70's and early 80's


BTW, nobody loses any money on a snow day. Schools are required 185 days, and they schedule 190 just for snow days. Those 5 days off mean nothing

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My sister is a year older than you, and she remembers getting 1-2 days off per year due to cold weather back in the 70's and early 80's


BTW, nobody loses any money on a snow day. Schools are required 185 days, and they schedule 190 just for snow days. Those 5 days off mean nothing


Word. It is really smart actually. Usually if they do not use any snow days the school will let those 5 days or whatever is left earlier in the summer.

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