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Grand Prix's Catching fire?


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21 complaints? How many of them had ghetto-rigged amplifier wiring? j/k

I know at least one ClubGP member had his go up in flames. Wish they had the cause narrowed down, give me something to go on.


Maybe I should decrease the deductible on my '01...

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Maybe I should decrease the deductible on my '01...

Purchase 2 fire extinguishers. Put one within reach of you while driving.


Put the second someplace safe. Run high presure ruber hose from fire extinguisher to problem fire area. Plug end of hose.

Rig open the extinguisher valve.

Now, you have a preasurized runner line full of extinguish'itude. Heat will melt the hose at the point that the heat is being generated, i.e. the fire. This will make a hole, releasing the fire supression whoop'ass on the fire.



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return-style fuel system or no? Wondering why it would wait for the car to be off before it lit up.


yes return style, the fuel pressure regulators leak into the vacuum line and when there off it would just build up. i replaced a few at work that were leaking externaly as well. it was in the vacuum line it would juet be sucked into the intake.

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21 complaints? How many of them had ghetto-rigged amplifier wiring? j/k

I know at least one ClubGP member had his go up in flames. Wish they had the cause narrowed down, give me something to go on.


Maybe I should decrease the deductible on my '01...


Who are you on CGP?

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