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Wrecked My Truck tonight!!


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Glad nobody got hurt, good luck getting 'er fixed.


I've done some supid shit too, but I've lucked out! Try 112 mph on a snow-covered autobahn. Went almost 300 miles like that, the rented Bimmer was actually pretty solid on the white stuff. Passed a couple nasty wrecks, but kept cruising, 3 young, indestructible soldiers with not a care.


If only our Interstates were half as good as those autobahns...

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Yea cuz I meant to do it too you FUCK

Not to rub salt in your wound, but I had to comment on this: Yes, you did mean to do it. You meant to drive a 5000-6000 lb truck 65 mph last night, there was realy no other outcome to be had. This wasn't an "accident", it was an "askedforit".


4wd makes you go, it does not help you stop. As soon as you hit the brakes yo are on the same playing feild as the rest of us, accpet we're lighter and better at it.

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yeah it's hard to go into a open snowy lot and not do some high speed donuts even at my age i was rippin it up in marks parking lot last night in my toyota.i don't think i hit 65 but it is a blast.the four wheeler is next.be careful young one but have fun, life is short so enjoy it.
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who is asking for pitty...I was just explaining last nights events...notice i was laughing in my post....I dont care that I wrecked it...like I said that is what insurance is for...So thanks for being a :asshole: :finger: .




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who is asking for pitty...I was just explaining last nights events...notice i was laughing in my post....I dont care that I wrecked it...like I said that is what insurance is for...So thanks for being a :asshole: :finger: .

Assholes like you that make our insurance go up. I would laugh if your insurance company sees your post on a public forum that you were racing your truck in the snow. They might find a way to get out of paying for your damages, then you wouldn't be laughing any more.

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Why do people feel the need to come here and post everything about their lives. I mean you were doing something stupid, you thought you had control and were a sweet driver, but that didn't turn out to be the case. Then bone head move number two was to come on here and tell everyone that you have no common sense. I truly believe age brings more wisdom because a few years ago I may have been that guy willing to do something stupid like that in a parking lot(not 65 that is just ridiculous), but now I see it as just plain careless.


Stop being careless and your shit won't get fucked up.

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Dont be careless and leave your toolbox and it wont get fucked up powers.You posted about your stupid toolbox, you think people really care about that you hypocrite.This is a car website...I was in my car/truck..so I posted somehting funny that happen to me in my vehicle..I never claimed to be a sweet driver,

I leave my tool box locked up at my place of work while I am out of town on a business trip and that was stupid?


Again you show your intelligence level. Good job.

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haha...Im not the one still in school buddy. I graduated at 21. you said everyone brings their personal lives on here...so do you . YOUR a hypocrite...

You must not have learned anything while you were there. The thread I started had large relevance to CR. Perhaps if you were not a newb you would understand that. It was about not being available to receive pm's and the like and respond to people. I was leaving a job from a site sponsor for which many of my customers were members of this site. So there is the relevance. I was then asked what I plan on doing by other members of this site who cared to know, and I replied with the information requested.


You on the other hand said hey look at me I drove 65 in a snowy parking lot and fucked my truck up L O L Z E R S. Only thing was no one was laughing with you. Take this as a lesson learned the fact that you came here and started this thread is an extension of the decisions you made that led up to the event of you having a smashed truck.


If you think I am a hypocrite so be it you are entitled to think what ever you want. If you think about drifting in a parking lot at 65pmh please make sure no one else is around you so you don't hurt other people with you lack of solid decision making skills. Use your noggin man.

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You were doing some impessive drifting up until that point. We all knew the risks and accepted the responsibility, you obviously know you can't be mad about last night as shit happens.


"Allwheelslow's" dad works for an auto body supplier, check with him and he might be able to help you out.

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I love it when people post shit on a message board like "OMG I GOT A SPEEDER TICKER!!11!" or "I WREXZORDDD MY TRUCK!" and expect someone not to say anything negative, especially when it was your own fault.


Sorry dude, next time I will congratulate you, you FUCK.

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