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Wrecked My Truck tonight!!


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You brought up my daughter...uncalled for.

How so? It is pertenant information that is relivant to the conversation. I said nothing ABOUT your daughter just the fact that you have one. And how do I know that you have one in the first place? I'll tell you how. You posted it on this forum.

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And I highly suggest that if you see me coming you turn around and walk the other way





yeah, or he'll lose control of his truck and ram into you. threads like this are amazing(ly stupid). are you going to post a thread on here acting all carefree and laughing when you get a DUI?? i see people on a DAILY basis who get injured doing dumb things, and this was clearly a very dumb thing that could have easily gotten you injured, and an unscheduled 3 month vacation from work (unless you're white collar and sit at a desk, which i highly doubt).


anyways, i'm glad you earned enough money that night (?) to pay for it, and hope you listen to advice on here--i'd hate to see you in the E.R.--

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wow i do remeber being banned for a less of a threat then what just was posted




but hell i learn how to drive in the snow in a parking lot and playing and being able to drive out of it but sucks that u crashed the truck in all the fun

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SO you all are going to rip this guy for having fun and making a mistake in a parking lot but some idiot is looking for a LS1 because he got drunk on Jagger decided to drive home and cross a double yellow line and hit someone in on coming traffic. Lets help him find another car so he can try for a second time to kill someone. :thumbdown
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Man, people get all worked up on this site. Some of you should just learn to relax a little. Then again, it makes for some really entertaining shit. Keep it up :cool:




Now I can't be safe in Powell either.


LOL ohh snaps!

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SO you all are going to rip this guy for having fun and making a mistake in a parking lot but some idiot is looking for a LS1 because he got drunk on Jagger decided to drive home and cross a double yellow line and hit someone in on coming traffic. Lets help him find another car so he can try for a second time to kill someone. :thumbdown

i never saw this thread.

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jesus christ. this whole thread seams based on candy and nuts.



Look he paid for his actions his truck his dented to hell and back. By luck oir god or what ever you believe in he did not get hurt worse. the point is his actions had consquicnes(SP)



everyone on here has done atleast 1 stupid thing behind the wheel.


- Smoke a little to much pot and drove

- Drank a little to much and drove

- Road head

- Cell phone talking on the road

- driving 1 handed


and every fucking one of those could possibly in some scenario cause bad things to happens. OMG YOU HAVE A MOM WHAT WOULD SHE DO WITH OUT YOU.. come on guys. this is utter bullshit. the poeple who were out with him do not seem concenred i think everoyne else should take heed.



now excuse me while i go smoke some pot and get one handed road head.....

or masturbations what ever.

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i never saw this thread.


Sorry I got two people mixed up, but nobody is giving this guy any shit about posting wrecked pics of a LS1 from a drunk driving accident. This place is a fucking joke sometimes.


After about 10 jager bombs and 15 absolute and cranberrys I decided to drive home. Blacked out, lost control, went across yellow lines sideways and got t boned by an x terra. Not Good!!! Needless to say I learned my lesson.




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yeah no shit. that dude a fucking tool


i swear if i knew someone who had hit anyone in my family driving drunk... if they walked away from the wreck they would be visiting the hospital for atleast some broken ribs when i was done..



fucking tool.

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Drinking and driving is fucking stupid. The laws in this country are not harsh enough for some things. Drinking and driving is one of those things.


Like I mentioned in my first post I very well would have been one of those persons a few years ago. I wasn't chastising him or calling him names for his actions. I was saying to start a thread about doing something stupid is well stupid. For others to come on here and say leave him alone becasue I was doing it too and he wasn't hurting anyone but himself I was correcting that imature thinking saying he is a provider for someone.


Then it went to "mentioning that I am someone's father is out of control, I will hurt you".


If he has the right to go and make choices that effect other people, I have the right to say my opinion about it, in the topic thread he started about the very subject on an internet conversation forum.

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- Pot....not me, never have

- Buzz driving....once....but was barely buzzed....GUILTY

- Road Head - GUILTY....but haven't had it since I got married :(

- Cell Phone - GUILTY just about 90% of the time, but I wear a headset :rolleyes:

- One handed - Lots of times but only when I'm on the phone and drinking a soda :p


WOW, I feel cleansed.....


everyone on here has done atleast 1 stupid thing behind the wheel.


- Smoke a little to much pot and drove

- Drank a little to much and drove

- Road head

- Cell phone talking on the road

- driving 1 handed

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You brought up my daughter...uncalled for. I do apologize for the threat.



How exactly was what Powers said uncalled for? I don't know you, but akin to what you did and having a daughter I have brought up similar issues of responsibility to friends of mine that like to act foolish. This is not a slam on your family, but a friendly reminder that hey dude, think before you act. If this comic situation (in your eyes only) does not teach you a lesson or make you think about more dire consequences in the future then you've got plenty more growing up to do.


Next time you're out working hard plowing or mowing mull this quote over.


"Thinking is the hardest work there is, which is probably the reason why so few engage in it."



Brownie points if someone knows who said that.

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Next time you're out working hard plowing or mowing mull this quote over.


"Thinking is the hardest work there is, which is probably the reason why so few engage in it."



Brownie points if someone knows who said that.


Henry Ford, ironic is that Ford Motor company hasn't done that in years. The inside of every ford is almost unchanged in 20 years. The inside of a 40K Shelby 500 is a POS.

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