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Fucking Shitty Ass Airplanes!

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I swear to fucking god todays "miracle of daily travel" is aboslute bullshit. "You hous be happy, within a day you can fly anywhere in the world!"


My last air excursion (my first in over 10 years) saw two fucking flight cancellations for broken planes. Once on the way out, and once onthe way back, broken fucking planes. On the way back, the flight I eventually got was PACKED with angry people from ANOTHER broken plane.


Now, this past sunday, wifes 8am flight to Denver became a 5 FUCKING PM flight to Denver! 8 hour delay because of a fucking broken plane, we thought that was bad.

Just got a call from her, same fucking trip, same fucking United Airline, FUCKING CANCELLED AGAIN! ANOTHER broken plane on the same fucking trip! This delay; 24 hours!

"Oh, but we concern ourself with your safety" Suck my nuts fuckers! I like safety, but don't fucking commit your shitty ass fleet of busted planes to ridgid fucking schedules that people rely on!


Elena is in Montrose Colorado, lets do some math:

Total time invested in flying out there: 15 hours

Total time invested in coming back: 30 hours

Time needed to drive there round trip: 38 hours


Miracle of flight my ass.

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I've flown dozens of times and I've had a delay from a broken plane once.


Just this winter I will have flown on 18 different flights and not a single delay. Only a few times did we sit a little longer than expected being deiced. Only hickup we had was on the way back into Columbus one time. Pilot saw some shear winds while attempting to land two different times and pulled back up. After the second attempt he got the warning light for fuel and diverted to Dayton. We refueled and got right back to Columbus. Added about two hours onto the flight and that had nothing to do with the planes condition.


We fly through Minneapolis-St. Paul up to International Falls. I would think if the issue were cold I would have experienced it.


I'm sure there are people on here that have flown a lot more than I have that can say pretty much the same thing. She just got unlucky.

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Could the cold have anything to do with the extra repairs?

It's a thought, but consider, the temperatures at the airplane operating altitudes make 0deg look hot.


Brian, I'd love to ride a C-17. I'm a masocist, and at least we'd be flying and not stuck waitng for repairs.


Jesse, not "she", "we" got unlucky on two separate occasions.

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Jesse, not "she", "we" got unlucky on two separate occasions.


I read that last bit of you're first post and took it to as she went out there. Kind of missed the part where the first flights were just you earlier in your incohesive ramblings. :p


At least you admit it was just unlucky. :D

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Benz - You're not always waiting for "repairs". Don't beleive everything that comes over the airport PA. Airlines ground/delay/rebook flights for all sorts of reasons, alot of which doesn't match to what they tell passengers... people bitch a whole lot less if you tell them the plane's broke. Nobody wants to hear they've been delayed because the airline has two half booked flights its going to consolidate onto one... but I'm here to tell you thats what they do. Alot.


But go easy on the chick behind the counter. The people you can actually bitch face to face to have about as much say over it as you do.




Brian - nice vid. Re: the rocking and rolling, been there bro. It sucks. Add a rolling landing strip to the rolling plane and then it gets *really* interesting on approach... I've chucked a couple times, and thats *after* we were wheels down on the deck.


I assume that was the *usual* manuvers for coming in for landing in Iraq? The sharp turns and such are SOP spoofs for ground to air? Thats what I've heard at least, even the commercial jets do a dive and scrape into Bagdad International? fun stuff.


stay safe man

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I fly averaging eight times a month all over the country. Quit yer bitching, book flights without being a cheap-ass on the "best rate" available, and deal with it. Everyone goes through it, your wife is not special. Try making a car go through the wear and tear a jet does and get back to me on it not breaking. Also, most airlines will rearrange you to fly another airline at their expense to accomodate you, as well as give you credits and shit for free flights at a later date. Since when the fuck does a national automotive company do that when your car breaks?


Deal with it.

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I hate flying with a passion.. Ive had to do so much this past fall and winter. I was lucky I did most of my flying through Delta and Southwest and they were amazing to deal with. Great customer service and 99% on time with everything.
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Considering Denver is one of the worst places for flights being cancelled and that's general knowledge going in there, I don't see what you're mad about. Don't fly into/out of Denver.....


If in fact it was a maintenance issue and not one of the BS airline f-ups, why are you mad again? It's not like they can just pull over on the side of the road when there is a problem. I'd be happy they cancelled!


I've flow in and out of some shitty places on planes that shouldn't have even flow and we wondered the entire way if we were going to even make it. Don't cry that you didn't even go. Let me know when you are flying and loose an engine or two and make a couple emergency landings. That's much more exciting than sitting in an airport with a cancelled flight.... :rolleyes:

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It's just the weather. I work for an airline doing a/c maintaince. This time of year we have lots of anti-ice fail messages when the pilots do their check lists as well as sensors. This is a crucial fail message and they will retest it but more than likely it needs replaced. Not a huge deal but it can take some time. Trust me I would rather wait than have the wing/tail have ice built up on it and go down in a icey tube of death in some field.


Btw- waiting is not so bad. since we fly for free some times we get bumped off the flight we want so we just people watch until the next flight. Airports are better people watching places than any state or county fair.



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Fuck flying...... I don't trust the planes or the grease monkeys that keep them in the sky that much.


If my car breaks down, I coast to a stop along side of a road some place and stick out my thumb.


If a plane experiences certain failures, it falls out of the sky at 300 MPH while I sit on it with my head between my knees kissing my ass goodbye.


I like the thumb thing better.

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99% of the time nothing is broken. They just say that cause you cant argue that fact. It was delayed due to other flight delays and or your destination airport delays. Airports in Colorado havent had an ontime flight since the beginning of winter. Winter time you must stay out of Colorado, Chitown, Boston, and all NY airports. (last 3 you should avoid all year they have delays no matter what)


I was on a flight from Boston that got delayed due to fog, which was total bs cause it was 90 degrees and 2pm. People went nuts then they made some bs up sayin the plane was broken.


Reguardless they want shit to go smoothly just like we do. It is more of a hassle for them than it is to us. Accept the fact you are going to get delayed (esp now with security) or drive. It will never change.


I fly all the time, I go to Florida close to one a month. Soon Ill be goin to Vegas 3-4 times a year, boston, NY, bahamas etc. Ive flown to Europe 3 times. Rarely in the 80+ flights ive been on has it been ontime both taking off and arriving.

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But go easy on the chick behind the counter. The people you can actually bitch face to face to have about as much say over it as you do.

Agreed. I was held up at Ohare for an hour and a half becauce they were waiting for a STEWARDESS. They said they were waiting for "a member of the crew", but no, just the stewardess. This was after my intended flight got cancelled. So, delayed an hour to get on another plane...then sit and wait just outside said plane for sleeping'in chick to show up.


Eli, no. She got didly squat.

If in fact it was a maintenance issue and not one of the BS airline f-ups, why are you mad again? It's not like they can just pull over on the side of the road when there is a problem. I'd be happy they cancelled!

They own and maintain a fleet of aircraft, and offer services with it. They take your money and commit you to a schedule. You plan your entire trip around this schedule. For the money they charge, they aught to be able to provide you with the transportation you bloody paid for. All planes need maintainence, but it should not be done on the bloody tarmac with people waiting. Increase the service interval, especially for common problems as Dave mentioned.

If you tell some one that you're going to take them some where at 8:00, you are obligated to take them somewhere at 8:00.

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