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Broken knuckle?

Kevin R.

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nope, I'll be immune...I never punch anyone anywhere they have bone. That's not an effective way to beat the opponent.


the best ass whopping I ever inflicted was on a guy well over my size while I was on my way to my car outside a bar on campus.


he was tall and had a good reach, so I worked my way up. kicked in the nads, punch several times in his solar plexis thus causing him to spew all his air and several drinks, heel of my palm took out his nose and likely blackend both eyes. he stumbled a bit so I took him out the knees with a leg sweep. the hardest blow was his head hitting the ground. out cold in about 12 seconds.


Sad part was his buddy who talked trash in the bar all night acted like he was going to make it a two vs one night. He didn't even pick his friend up, the jerk. :rolleyes:


When in a fight just remember that big guys and little guys joints, pressure points and soft spots all pretty will be affected the same with equal amounts of force. You can take out a wind pipe, ear drums, jugular and elbow, a knee or a nose on a 300lb guy the same exact way you would an 150lb guy. Flipping them in a close quarters fight is easy too. It's all in the hips and legs.


Key is always strike first, never hesitate, never pause between moves and finish with a fight ending move. Just be carefull as you can break a neck pretty easily once they are bent over in front of you...even though that's a personal favorite of mine to one day try.


Sorry...I get a little fired up.



keep hitting stuff, and it will happen, only you will fracture the 2nd or 3rd metacarpal and likely need surgery. the injury that is being called into question is typically referred to as a boxer's fracture. it is a fracture of the 5th metacarpal neck, and it usually happens [guess how??] when people punch hard things (doors, walls, other peoples' faces).
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nope, I'll be immune...I never punch anyone anywhere they have bone. That's not an effective way to beat the opponent.





your post made me laugh. tell me where on the body there is no bone (besides the stomach, flank, and ass)??


and if you punch things long enough, you WILL break something (assuming you're actually swinging with some force)


and kicking someone in the nuts, while effective, is probably not something they teach in martial arts.

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not sure if he does martial arts, but if he does, he needs to learn to punch with the leading two knuckles and twist when he hits....also, never pull back. You have to hit like your trying to go through the target. over 15 years of Ju-Jitsu and while I've been hurt, I've never broke a knuckle or finger.


Hey I know you are in the Dublin area, did you know the Slanes?

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I'm sorry.


But I will get my face bashed in beyond recognition before I kick someone in the nuts.


That is just me...


why? no one else is going to fight fair why should you? Never expect a 1v1 with a guy your size. Besides in his case, he thought he was going against 2 bigger guys, he had every right to use all the tools to his advantage.


Personally, I've seen some drunk fights end up bad with brain injury from what he described, I'd hate to do time just b/c i hit some guy and he hit his head on the ground and became a vegtable.

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I guess I wouldn't know any of the below since I've studied two forms of martial arts since age 12 :rolleyes:


I thought I was pretty clear about the many areas of the body. Study up on how many hundreds of pressure points are on the human body. Those are the key targets. You can litterally shut down key organs with the right strike.


Punching is also just one type of strike and it's not the most effective either. The knife edge of a typical karate chop as you know it delivers more effective force than a punch. If I punch you in the nose, I make break it at the base and it will hurt/bleed. If I chop you across the top of your teeth and upwards at the base of your nose, your nose will not just break but swell shut, your eyes will water like you've been peppered and you'll be 1/2 way done at that point. Just push really hard and upward on the bottom of your nose and you'll begin to see.


Another great weapon is the heel of your palm. Elbows are great weapons when in close. The space between your thumb and index finger will crush a wind pipe. Open hand stances and strikes are a large portion of all marial arts styles. Also when punching, placement of the thumb is key. Close'em and Lock'em as I say. Otherwise you're index finger could slide back and break.


So far as punching and breaking things....I disagree. You will if you are careless and make mistakes, but then as I said, accuracy is key and force...it takes very little force to strike and break and elbow when the arm is extended. Even then, you're not striking the bone, you're hitting the joint. Snapping of forarms and breaking of thigh bones is movie magic. You may not believe it, but you can be taken down and killed by a 110lb women with very little training if you get caught off guard she's accurate with her moves. That's why in self defense, no hesitation and accuracy trumps waiting and using full force. Young women and older men do very well when trained properly. They always have the element of surprise. Nuts, Throat, Plexus, eyes, ears, sides of neck....all great for the weaker person to strike.


Kicking in the nuts is day one of any self defense class I've taught and one that just about every style teaches. Same action and target when women are involved too. Hurts a little different, but when it's taught, gender doesn't matter.


Another good example of taking out the use of a persons arm is to strike them in the underpit. This time, use your leading knuckles and a good strike with a twist. 10X the pain you feel when you're arm falls completely asleep and tingles. You'll wish you were hit with a stun gun instead. When done right, you won't move that arm for an hour and your chest will tighten in a minutes. So when someone cocks back to strike, prepare to drop down on one knee, block upwards with one arm and aim high with the other.


your post made me laugh. tell me where on the body there is no bone (besides the stomach, flank, and ass)??


and if you punch things long enough, you WILL break something (assuming you're actually swinging with some force)


and kicking someone in the nuts, while effective, is probably not something they teach in martial arts.

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No, I don't. I don't train as much any longer and most of mine wasn't here in Cbus. I studied in Cleveland then back when I was in College and then in Toronto when I lived there.


Hey I know you are in the Dublin area, did you know the Slanes?
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why? no one else is going to fight fair why should you? Never expect a 1v1 with a guy your size. Besides in his case, he thought he was going against 2 bigger guys, he had every right to use all the tools to his advantage.


Personally, I've seen some drunk fights end up bad with brain injury from what he described, I'd hate to do time just b/c i hit some guy and he hit his head on the ground and became a vegtable.


I understand if I was in a situation where I was being harmed and had to do everything in my power to get out of it.


But if I was called out or started something my pride just wouldn't allow me to kick someone in the nuts and feel like "I won." That is, if it is the "I am more badass than you" type of fight. I am not saying in a harmful situation.

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I thought I was pretty clear about the many areas of the body. Study up on how many hundreds of pressure points are on the human body. Those are the key targets. You can litterally shut down key organs with the right strike..


yeah, i saw all this on the movie 'kill bill' where she exploded bill's heart with four 'pressure points'




So far as punching and breaking things....I disagree. You will if you are careless and make mistakes, but then as I said, accuracy is key and force...it takes very little force to strike and break and elbow when the arm is extended. Even then, you're not striking the bone, you're hitting the joint. Snapping of forarms and breaking of thigh bones is movie magic.



well, at least you're right about movies being b.s. when it comes to breaking forearms and also how easy it is to break an extended elbow; but the last time i checked the elbow joint IS made up of 3 BONES, which are just as hard as any other part of the bone. plenty of martial arts experts and professional boxers break their hands hitting things--it does happen very often.

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wow, folk in this thread are intimidatingly bad ass. I wish I could beat up people.


Seriously, the best advice to take out of this thread follows: Don't get in stupid fights. Fucking some one up is not something to be proud of, killing htem is something you'll regret forever, no matter how much of a doushe they are.


pdqgp: What the fuck are you doing? Though you're not wrong about alot of that, please just shut the fuck up. I'm not going to pick apart what's wrong about it, or go into why some of your attitude disturbs me. Just consider this: You're arming people with knowlege and not control. I'm not sure you grasp just how easy it is to kill somebody, or how easy it is to fuck up simple instructions and get yourself beaten to a pulp. If you want to teach people marial arts, the first thing you teach is how not to use it. Otherwise, as stated before, please shut up. I honestly can't beleive what you're telling these guys to do. It's all fun and games untill the clear fluid comes out of the guys head, then you go to prison for a long time. It's going to be tough to sell "self defence" when you challenge a drunk guy to fight in a parking lot and utterly decimate him. Think about what you're doing.

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Potty mouth.


pdqgp: What the fuck are you doing? Though you're not wrong about alot of that, please just shut the fuck up. I'm not going to pick apart what's wrong about it, or go into why some of your attitude disturbs me. Just consider this: You're arming people with knowlege and not control. I'm not sure you grasp just how easy it is to kill somebody, or how easy it is to fuck up simple instructions and get yourself beaten to a pulp. If you want to teach people marial arts, the first thing you teach is how not to use it. Otherwise, as stated before, please shut up. I honestly can't beleive what you're telling these guys to do. It's all fun and games untill the clear fluid comes out of the guys head, then you go to prison for a long time. It's going to be tough to sell "self defence" when you challenge a drunk guy to fight in a parking lot and utterly decimate him. Think about what you're doing.

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