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Snow > S40 :(


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I got blocked in again, and after rocking and digging and rocking and digging for 40min, what happens... broken axel... well im pretty sure its an axel.. i hear shit turning by the front wheel, but theres no movement. i cant really get under it because it sits so low but now, im fucked! I have to get to work and shit, but dont have any way to get there. Gehy. Just when i thought my luck was turning too :(
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City plowed in front of my driveway, but I simply drove over it.


I honestly wanted a lot more snow on the ground; makes driving more fun. :)


Come up to Dublin, specifically my area, I'm snowed in my my POS fwd monster!!! Last night even while driving, my car was bottoming out on the snow, just two ruts to drive in, sucked hardcore!

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