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Watershed/waterways: Laws?

Science Abuse

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from what i was always taught, the water belongs to no one. the land, yes, whoever owns property it lays on.


i would say walking on ice should be legal, since its still water, just in a different chemical form. walking on private property to get to ice = illegal :)

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i'd say if it isn't your place you shouldn't be there without permission water or not

Yeah but, you come from a land of paraniod hillbillies who value their plot more then their daughters. :) I come from a block where people didn't care if you cut through their yard to make your trip shorter.


No crossing of private property neccesary, just hike down the river, turn right up a creek, it's 30ft away.

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actually hillbillies are more likely to let you on their land, townies are the ones who yell get off my lawn. and ask yourself how much sense the excuse of "well you don't own the water" works when you are on someone else's place. Call courthouse get landowners map and just call ahead. Dad loves it when people actually ask for permission instead of us catching them. He has never said no yet
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