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The streak continues......


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All 3 of my cars have been in major accidents in the last 6 months! Two were hit while I was driving (not my fault), the other was spun out by my wife.


The Audi got hit tonight. Moron decided that he wanted to turn right instead of left at the light, so he thought he should back up from the left turn lane and maneuver into the right turn lane. He just forgot to look behind him. To make matters worse, he was driving a F150 and his bumper matched up perfectly with my grille. Now the A4 will need at least a new hood, grille, front fascia, and passenger headlight. I couldn't check for any other damage because I couldn't open the hood!


At least this dumb-ass had a license and insurance, although I was fully expecting him to tell the CPD that I hit him from behind. Thankfully he was an honest man.


Anyone wanna let me drive your car????????

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The way I see it is if this one is totaled, I could always step up to an S4.




If you really need a vehicle to get to work (like you really have to work during these months) I can get my parents van. E150 FTW.


Sucks about your car. I'd be pissed if that happened right now. I'd expect anything around now to be weather, and not retard weather related. Sorry to hear about your luck. :o If not the S4, get the check cut, fix the body for cheap and use the extra to get a GT28.


Back in town for good this weekend, where are we drinking! :woowoo:

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lmk if its totaled and the buyback on it, i might pick it up.


sry to hear of your luck, sounds like me last year, I was hit, not my fault 3 or 4 times, once in my one month old car, rear ended sitting at a light, i hate people.

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hell today my girls neon had a flat and i was with sam plowing.. so she drove my work beater and while shes at her dads someone tried to hotwire it.. so the beaters are not safe...



2 weeks ago moms car got stollin

today they tried to get the hoopty ....damn westside

not to say anything about someone throwing a fold up chair at the back of the yukon a few weeks ago

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hell today my girls neon had a flat and i was with sam plowing.. so she drove my work beater and while shes at her dads someone tried to hotwire it.. so the beaters are not safe...



2 weeks ago moms car got stollin

today they tried to get the hoopty ....damn westside

not to say anything about someone throwing a fold up chair at the back of the yukon a few weeks ago


WOW, just Wow!

¡Mate por favor a su maestro de Englisg!

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