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ended the season with a big BANG!


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Yes, i went down. Went on the Dayton, Sunday ride. went on the usual ride through ceasars creek. It was bout an hour into the ride. I low sided on a left corner. idk how it happened honestly. i was in the back of the pack, and following the person in front of me just fine. came up on a small hill, then it went straight in the corner. i cant tell ya how fast i was going, im guessing around 50-60. i tho i had it fine, and next thing i know, im laying in a small ditch down from the road. a few of us think it was prob the pavement being cold.. the corner was in the shade. thats the only thing i can think of. i didnt lock up or freak out.

i laid there and was able to get my phone out of my jacket and call 911. i wasnt that helpful for the dispatcher tho. i told her what happened and all i could tell her of my whereabouts is that we was on 35 and headed south from there towards ceasars creek. she of course needed more info, so i finally stood up after she didnt say yes or no if i should move or not. for a min i couldnt even find the road, but it was infront of me, just up a lil. i climbed over my bike and walked through the branches and sat down on the side of the road. she asked if anything was around and the only thing in the area was a bike trail.. but of course noone was going by. so i started waving at cars and bout 5 of them went by.. then i really freaked, at that time the guys showed up, so i told her that. at the same time, a car turned around and came back. i asked her where i was and what street so i could relay the message.

the fire marshall and emt said they get alot of calls on that one corner. i was able to have a sense of humor as the emt cut my jeans and he said hope they werent special, and i said its ok i needed new ones.lol. of course i was on the back board and neck brace. even tho i told them i walked to the road.lol. i laid on that board for a lil over an hour in the hospital cryin in pain.. just over the back board. my left leg was in a blow up immobilizer, so that was fine. then at the hospital they finished cutting off the rest of my hollister jeans and undies. i had a cat scan of my head and neck and a bunch of my left leg. then, they took the neck brace off..which then i was stiff.

i got in the hospital at 12.45 and went home about 5.45-6. the accident happened about 12 if not a lil bit before.

I have road rashes and bruises and thats about it. my deep road rash is on my left ankle, which is also swollen of course. my knee, its big, but not deep,and also swollen. small one on my thigh, huge welt on the side of my thigh, and a small one on my left wrist. some bruises on my right side. on my tricep, back of thigh and my shin.

i had on tennis shoes, jeans, jacket, gloves and helmet.

the shoes actually stayed on.. jeans got big holes in them, jacket got scuffed but no holes, gloves got thrown off, and helmet got small scratch on the left side.

ill take some pics when i clean them tonight.

im fine, just sore knee mainly, and ankle. stayed in my immobilizer last night. and now walking with my crutch but also tryin to put weight on it.. just having trouble bending it. they gave me vicoden, muscle relaxer and ibprofin. so far, i havent needed any. just been taking tylenol. i hurt tryin to keep my dogs from jumping up on the couch right on my leg. they said i would hurt the next day, and im a lil sore all over, but not what i expected.

from what ive heard from the guys, the bike looks like its just plastic. one of them was able to ride it. right now, its impounded by the cop since noone was able to claim it.

thanks to the guys that came back. and a big thanks to derrek. he was a huge help to me! and thanks to the ones who've called and wrote me. i appreciate it.

it could have been alot worse.. compaired to what some of the guys on here have been through.

left ankle


left knee


left thigh


left wrist



right back of upper leg


right tricep







Edited by ninjachk08
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holy cow!!! glad your ok though!

i think i know the corner your talking about and that can be a doozy sometimes for sure.

better to wreck now than early i always say (if your going to wreck that is)

get better soon but don't let this deter your confidence at all your a great rider and this happens to the best of riders.

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glad your ok. me and brad we're freaking out when we saw you weren't with us. I was hauling ass back to see where you were then me and brad saw you on the side of the road with no bike don't know what brad thought but oh shit went through my head. That cop was an ass and wouldn't let us tow it to one of our houses so idk where it is at.

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Yeah When I saw her on the side of the road, my heart dropped out of my chest it felt like. I was like Oh shit!!! I almost didnt see her, and when I didnt see her bike, I knew it was bad. The one cop was cool but the other was a duche.

John asked the cop if he could call AAA and have the bike towed somewhere. the cop said that he already called it in and John told him he had AAA and was gonna have it towed for free. The cop told him that he could give him his AAA info when they showed up to get the bike and they would take his AAA then. Well, the wrecker came and they told John they would not accept his AAA for the tow since it was called in by the cops. That one cop was a dick for calling it in because now Danielle has to pay to get it out of the impound and for the tow, even tho it could have gotten picked up for free if he would have let John call for the wrecker.

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the cop just called me. i have to go to harveysburg to get the bike. he said the only thing i have to pay is the tow fee. i have to go to the state highway patrol office tomorrow to make a statement and do paperwork.

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Glad to hear you're alright. Sux to end the season on a low note, but at least now you can do all those upgrades you've been thinking about.

Question: Were you cited by the cop for failing to control? Just wondering because when my father went down a couple months ago he got a ticket and I'm just wondering if all Ohio cops are dicks.

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  ninjachk08 said:
well, im not gonna get it today..

idk.. i tho i would since i did in my truck accident, but the emt said i wouldnt.. i guess ill find out tomorrow if i get a ticket

Call the impound lot and make sure they are not charging you by the day before you say you want to wait to get it!

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  Campus Racer 59 said:
Glad to hear you're alright. Sux to end the season on a low note, but at least now you can do all those upgrades you've been thinking about.

Question: Were you cited by the cop for failing to control? Just wondering because when my father went down a couple months ago he got a ticket and I'm just wondering if all Ohio cops are dicks.

Not being an asshole or anything, but if you crash, it is failure to control. Whether or not you were speeding, horsing around, riding well within your means and controlled or not, a crash is the failure of a rider to maintain control...

Unless things like oil, deer, etc are accounted for. So, the cop isn't being a dick for citing for failure to control if someone crashes...

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more than likely you will get a failure to control. I got in a wreck in my mustang i ended up on the wrong side of the road no body knows what happened i dont remember the whole day and none of the witness were any help and i still got cited. It sucks but thats the way it goes.

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  Lizard 1 said:
Not being an asshole or anything, but if you crash, it is failure to control. Whether or not you were speeding, horsing around, riding well within your means and controlled or not, a crash is the failure of a rider to maintain control...

Unless things like oil, deer, etc are accounted for. So, the cop isn't being a dick for citing for failure to control if someone crashes...

I completely understand they're doing their job, but if no one is harmed (other than the operator) then no harm no foul right? The law is on the books but it is up to the discretion of the officer to actually give a citation. Why kick a rider while they're down?

If you didn't get a ticket at the time you're probably not going to get one. I was handed the ticket by the officer while my father was getting MRI's.

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she was already gone went the state boys showed up. On my wreck the cop came to the icu to make me sign my ticket. I proceeded to call him an ass clown and a fuck stick. My mom was sitting there shaking her head

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