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ended the season with a big BANG!


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^ he's right.. left thigh

yea, ankle is the worst.. down to the fatty tissue


went to the state highway patrol today.

the cop was really nice, but he said since everyone was called, he had to give me a ticket..so i did get FAILURE TO CONTROL

I have a court date, but idk if i have to show up yet or if i can just mail in my payment.

im glad i took jess' advice. i called the tow place today

$125 for call

$30 for labor

$25/day. at least he said with it being a bike, it is locked in a garage.

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you do not have to show up to court if you pay the ticket before then. You only have to go to court if you wanna contest the ticket. Which would be sweet if you go in there and prove that road is a death trap right there with that hump. I caught air and about lost it too. It would never work but would be sweet if it did.

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you do not have to show up to court if you pay the ticket before then. You only have to go to court if you wanna contest the ticket. Which would be sweet if you go in there and prove that road is a death trap right there with that hump. I caught air and about lost it too. It would never work but would be sweet if it did.

It's a hard sell. My dad contested the ticket and the DA wouldn't even listen to the case outside of court so it can't be dropped w/o having a hearing. Second the judge said the law is clear and unless you can prove somehow that the road was dangerous (gravel, oil, deer, etc) the court's hands are tied and a guilty ruling will ensue. If you do fight it the probably outcome is that the fine is lifted and you only pay court fees. A savings of a whopping $12 in my dad's case.

Those scars are gonna be sweet btw. I bet you're glad you have meds to take the edge off hunh?

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lizard in this thread you are that guy that always has to be politically correct and no body likes..... anyway

glad your ok.. crashing made me faster... just dont let it scare you away ... learn from it and go back to the turn and master it

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just remember if u go to court in oh, then you don't get points on your license. if you don't have any then don't worry but if you already have some, pay the extra $25court fee and avoid a $150 jump on insurance/year with your 250. Anything else and your looking at $500/yr increase

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i agree.. it could been rider error.. but you cant say i that i locked up the brakes.. you need to go back to the first post, cuz ive said i didnt use the brakes!

Never said you locked the brakes. SLIGHT pressure on the lever can load the front and cause a low side...

Rolling off the throttle can cause a loading of the front like I stated. Plus, are you 100% sure you NEVER touched the brakes at all???

A lot of times, people don't realize they do... Not arguing - wasn't there, but in the end, it is probably 99% on the side of rider error than the road...

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lizard in this thread you are that guy that always has to be politically correct and no body likes.....

How am I being politically correct? I just hate that a lot of guys bash cops. I have a few really great friends who are racers and track day riders and are really cool. Sometimes, we act like they are against us and I think that sucks. I'll be the first to say some lie and do bad things, but that's ANY person...

Not sure why you think nobody likes me, but truth hurts sometimes, huh?

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Yes, i went down...

Holy crap! :eek: I'm glad you're ok, I totally overlooked this thread for a couple days, didn't realize what it was about!

Take care of yourself, rest up, I'm sure you're gonna be sore for awhile. Melissa's (DiamoGirl) knee was sore for over

a month after her lowspeed spill, actually I think its still tender and her spill was back on 9/3.

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OMG!!! I am so glad that you are ok. Do you have anyone to help you get around. I know I was pretty sore for about 2 weeks aflter my accident. I hope that your ankle and knee heal fast. Just be careful and stay off of you leg as much as possible. Remember that ice packs are your friends. They told me to keep ice on for 15 min every hour. That will really help with the swelling. I hope that you are able to get back on your bike and not be afraid.

I am still a little afraid everytime that I ride because of the crash, just be careful!!

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lizard in this thread you are that guy that always has to be politically correct and no body likes..... anyway

glad your ok.. crashing made me faster... just dont let it scare you away ... learn from it and go back to the turn and master it

Well I for one appreciate the information he gave, and I do learn alot from others mistakes. Not saying I am glad she got in an accident, but I like to know why an accident happened to help avoid it happening again.

I know some accidents are just that, but I hear about so many accidents every year on here I like to learn and be as safe as I can when riding, so call it morbid but I always like to hear from someone more experienced what probably happened, and how I can avoid a similair situation.

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yes, i do know i needed better gear. ive known since the beginning of the season.. trust me, the guys lectured me alot. i was lucky to get the gear i had.. what can ya do without money..

the ironic thing tho is this.. i rode all summer without health insurance..stupid? yes, but i took my chance and nothing happened(thankfully)

3 weeks after i get married and got health insurance, look what happened. just my luck?!

i do appreciate lizards advice, but i dont like someone telling me what i did wrong when they have no idea. its kinda hard to slightly put pressure on the break when both hands was on the handlebars.. and when my toes where on the back pegs(so i dont drag in a corner, been there done that)

slightly coming off the throttle...MAYBE? its hard to analyze when things happen to fast for you to think.

but im not gonna get into it.. im done

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yes, i do know i needed better gear. ive known since the beginning of the season.. trust me, the guys lectured me alot. i was lucky to get the gear i had.. what can ya do without money..

the ironic thing tho is this.. i rode all summer without health insurance..stupid? yes, but i took my chance and nothing happened(thankfully)

3 weeks after i get married and got health insurance, look what happened. just my luck?!

i do appreciate lizards advice, but i dont like someone telling me what i did wrong when they have no idea. its kinda hard to slightly put pressure on the break when both hands was on the handlebars.. and when my toes where on the back pegs(so i dont drag in a corner, been there done that)

slightly coming off the throttle...MAYBE? its hard to analyze when things happen to fast for you to think.

but im not gonna get into it.. im done

Holy crap, you got married?!?! Guess I missed that thread.


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