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Bowling Tricks


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Not bad. Seen most of those shots except the kid that throw the shit behind his back.


I have a pretty mean back up ball. Right handed, Flip my wrist the other way and the ball hooks to the right instead of the left.


here's a really shitty camera phone vid of me bowling last week.



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  Trjackson said:
Sam, what is your average? Are you interested in doing a little gambling?





Since my cars to slow to do any betting on the street, ill take it to the lanes, ive been a bowler my whole life, and will call upon anyone that would like place a bet.

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I have seen shots like these first hand. A friend of mine in Hilliard was ranked number two in the nation. Got a scholarship for bowling. I didnt know that was possible until I watched him do it. Also for those of you that have somewhat of a background in bowling. Ron Stromfeld, better known as Stromie, holds world records in bowling and is right here in Columbus. Lives in the sawmill area. Has a few proshops through out town. He's a good guy.


Lets get some bowling organized.

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  360Iroc said:
I have seen shots like these first hand. A friend of mine in Hilliard was ranked number two in the nation. Got a scholarship for bowling. I didnt know that was possible until I watched him do it. Also for those of you that have somewhat of a background in bowling. Ron Stromfeld, better known as Stromie, holds world records in bowling and is right here in Columbus. Lives in the sawmill area. Has a few proshops through out town. He's a good guy.


Lets get some bowling organized.



He's drilled a couple of my bowling balls.

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  evan9381 said:
i try to do the hook everytime i go out, and i think i try to hard because for a couple days after, my arm stiffens up real bad and i cant even bend my elbow enough to scratch my head


needless to say, i dont bowl much anymore

he is a good bowler i have seen him bowling many times. one of his proshops was in a bowling ally my friend owns but he moved out.


i wanna try that stuff but no place will let you try :(

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  singleturbo3kgt said:
Since my cars to slow to do any betting on the street, ill take it to the lanes, ive been a bowler my whole life, and will call upon anyone that would like place a bet.

how much are we talkin.sounds like fun

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  Sam said:
Buck, whats you average. You know abunch of us are at the palace almost every weekend during the cold and shitty months.



190 for now.


I won't go to open bowling. It's too fucking expensive. $4.something to bowl a game? no thanks. I pay $12.00 for league night and I get about $100 or so back at the end of the year (with the awards and such).

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  Buck531 said:
190 for now.


I won't go to open bowling. It's too fucking expensive. $4.something to bowl a game? no thanks. I pay $12.00 for league night and I get about $100 or so back at the end of the year (with the awards and such).

not if you know the right people ;)


and kyle i will take that bet anytime....

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  Buck531 said:
190 for now.


I won't go to open bowling. It's too fucking expensive. $4.something to bowl a game? no thanks. I pay $12.00 for league night and I get about $100 or so back at the end of the year (with the awards and such).



We know one of the workers up there and bowl for 10$ for 4-6 hours. guy hooks us up nicely..

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