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Extremely pissed right now


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I just need to rant.


My GF's little brother is 16 and has a newer GF. Well today her parents decided that their daughter doesn't need to be dating so they forbid her to see or talk to him. Today her uncle decided to go to the highschool and find him at his locker.


actual words at his highschool


"Are you Logan?"



(uncle proceeds to get in his face)

"Well I'm Sam's uncle and you need to stay away from her or I swear I will eat you alive."


After that, he leaves the highschool and hops on his flight to New York.

I couldn't believe what i was hearing when she told me what happened. Isn't it illegal to even step foot on a school property without permission not to mention threaten a minor? I told her that they should file a police report about it but i don't know if it would go through or not


Any advice?

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Yeah i just talked to her brother and he said that he pushed his arm and told him to go to class after he told him that.


Even more pissed now. I know he didn't hurt him but i know you can't just walk into a school and touch other people's kids.


No, he isn't a dickhead. Her parents are both foreign so this guy probably was too. As far as i know they are just strict parents.

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1) fly to new york

2) decimate asshole

3) profit


Worse case scenario.....



Probably no need for a gun, but if someone were to make him shit himself I wouldnt be mad. The way I feel is if you are man enough to pick on a kid.... then you are man enough to get your ass beat!

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Probably no need for a gun, but if someone were to make him shit himself I wouldnt be mad. The way I feel is if you are man enough to pick on a kid.... then you are man enough to get your ass beat!

Mother. Fucking. Werd.

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I want to know what school and district this happened in.


I would go to police, then to the school and report the situation to the principal and inform him that you are leaving there to go to channel 4,6,or 10 to report it and ask them to investigate. (they love these stories) Then the police will extradite him from New York because of the media hype and then once he is here, sit in a holding cell with him and say "you fucked with the wrong bull's son." The school district will be in a heap of shit for letting this happen.

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I would go to police, then to the school and report the situation to the principal and inform him that you are leaving there to go to channel 4,6,or 10 to report it and ask them to investigate. (they love these stories) Then the police will extradite him from New York because of the media hype and then once he is here, sit in a holding cell with him and say "you fucked with the wrong bull's son." The school district will be in a heap of shit for letting this happen.


Best way to go about this. Make it into a school security issue with the school/police, ben's right news reporter's love this kind of stuff.


I have to ask, and I dont mean to be devil's advocate but... Did your brother do anything to deserve this kind of attention? I knew alot of jerk boyfriends my sister had in high school, with 2 older brother's they never lasted long. Did anything happen between them, a fight or something?

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not to sound like an ass, but there are 3 sides to every story... I'm sure the uncle did uncalled for things, but you know how kids can exaggerate... go find out if there is a camera and see exactly what he did...


BUT, regardless, he needs to let his school administration know what happened ASAP regardless.

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not to sound like an ass, but there are 3 sides to every story... I'm sure the uncle did uncalled for things, but you know how kids can exaggerate... go find out if there is a camera and see exactly what he did...


BUT, regardless, he needs to let his school administration know what happened ASAP regardless.


exaggerated or not the uncle had no right to go to the school for any reason period.


If the parents don't want thier girl to date thats fine they have that right. But the uncle was complete out of line.


like everyone else said have him contact the school admin. advise he wwould like to file charges of assualt against him (if possible). Also were there any witnesses that can back up his story?

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My problem with this is how this jerk got into the school in the first place. The principal should be kicked out on his ass!

Whatever security the tax payers are paying for should have someone take a good look at it and proper changes should be made.

Perfect example of why we have the school "kills" we read about!


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This isn't going on in columbus. My GF is from lewisville tx. Trust me if it happened here i would dealt with it personally.


And i guess his GF saw the whole thing happen too but she couldn't really do anything.

It really isn't my business but the most important thing is that the his parents know about it and are "dealing" with it.


Thanks guys, i just had to rant.

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