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Why does OSU hate non-traditional students?

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I swear to fucking god, I'm just trying to take some classes.

-I'm a freshman, so they make me wait till feb 28 to register for classes.

-Feb 28 comes and I cant register online, it tells me I need to talk to my advisor. My advosor tells me I need to make an appointment. Nearest open slot? Next fucking TUESDAY! Could you have fucking told me I needed my advisor BEFORE I tried to register for classes on the 28th!?

-Why do I need my advisor? I didn't pass an online USAS class. "How do you fail an online class?" Easy, it's not a fucking online class. The major grades come from making appearences for stupid shit on campus at noon on weekdays.

-The night classes I needed are already full. I can't get on the waiting list for them because there are still openings in the day classes. Are they not aware that "Working Students" exist!? They have no funtions whatsoever after 5pm.


Prediction: I'll go meet with my advisor and nothing will be accomplished. There's no magic wand to waive, I just need her to schedule my classes for me. By tuesday, my backup classes will be full and I'll be fucked.

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Same thing happened to me at Columbus State. I took an online class and i failed because I couldn't show up on campus for all the assignments, even though the course description never said I needed to come in.


I tried registering and it said I needed a counselor appointment. I went in that day anyway without an apointment and they were able to unlock my registration.


My advice is to just go in as soon as possible, as all they had to do for me was ask in what ways will I do better and then they unlocked my file.

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They make freshman meet with an advisor to get the scheduling done so that they get the right classes. OSU does a lot with trying to prepare freshman for the college experience. Just take a look at FYE. I know it's annoying, but it's just the way things are. At least you didn't enter with junior status just to be told you had to do all the freshman stuff. Then halfway through the quarter they say "Oh, no one told you? You don't need to be in any of the classes, you can withdraw if you want.".


Just try to learn all the dates and make sure you're prepared for the most annoying thing to happen. If you have any questions PM me. My mom has 3 degrees from OSU and is an administrator and my sister was going to be an advisor. I can probably answer anything you need.

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I swear to fucking god, I'm just trying to take some classes.

-I'm a freshman, so they make me wait till feb 28 to register for classes.

-Feb 28 comes and I cant register online, it tells me I need to talk to my advisor. My advosor tells me I need to make an appointment. Nearest open slot? Next fucking TUESDAY! Could you have fucking told me I needed my advisor BEFORE I tried to register for classes on the 28th!?

-Why do I need my advisor? I didn't pass an online USAS class. "How do you fail an online class?" Easy, it's not a fucking online class. The major grades come from making appearences for stupid shit on campus at noon on weekdays.

-The night classes I needed are already full. I can't get on the waiting list for them because there are still openings in the day classes. Are they not aware that "Working Students" exist!? They have no funtions whatsoever after 5pm.


Prediction: I'll go meet with my advisor and nothing will be accomplished. There's no magic wand to waive, I just need her to schedule my classes for me. By tuesday, my backup classes will be full and I'll be fucked.



OSU doesn't hate nontraditional students. They just hate you, and we are ALL out to get you....

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Welcome to the college experience, where nothing works out right, and everything is a complete pain in the ass. I know someone who had their adviser sign them up for classes, only to find out they didn't get enrolled in anything. She found this out after all the classes she needed were filled. So, she's now taking a break this quarter, only not by choice.
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You're an exception. I make more than most middle management by a good margin.


I will say, I'm 57 credit hours ahead into a degree because of the military and related training, and plan on pursuing one because I want six figures within 10 years in my current industry, and that's a realistic goal.


But for "foot in the door" and what I and a majority of others in my field are doing, we're ALL military and did not start with a degree. They're overrated for the most part, especially in the inception of a career, not to mention the ridiculous loans and such that eat that "college degree salary" up for however long it takes to pay back.


It wasn't, and I could enter the military today and probably be your commanding officer.
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They're overrated for the most part, especially in the inception of a career, not to mention the ridiculous loans and such that eat that "college degree salary" up for however long it takes to pay back.


The only way they are overrated is if you are a history Major.

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^ above poster is in college. And call me or Ash, we need to go to the car show.


Med school + army = student loan payback, 100% tuition while in school, direct commission to captain, and a nice salary during your residency.

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It wasn't, and I could enter the military today and probably be your commanding officer.


No if's, you would be. :)


People pay $$$ for leadership. That's a fact clearly proven by salary comparisons e.g. CIO, COO, CEO.



I went from managing data centers and clusters to managing an enterprise. It's still an ungodly amount of hours and stressful, but I enjoy not having to cost justify everything down to peoples farts...


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