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Why does OSU hate non-traditional students?

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just FYI if a class you want to take is full, you can go to your department office, get an add slip, go to the class, and if you are nice enough, the professor will sign it, letting you into the class :)


i do it all the time.

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Or Liberal Arts...


lol, i resent that!

talking just about liberal arts majors, or liberal arts schools in general?

being an international relations major, i could probably go into the army and make a good amount of money also. just have to wait for my parents to finish paying for my college, because i sure as hell know they wouldnt pay if i went into the army (damn liberals)

my school doesnt offer ROTC either.ghey.


what classes are you trying to take at OSU? would it be easier to take them at a CC of some sort? i feel like they would be able to help you more, they probably have more part time students than OSU.

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They're overrated for the most part, especially in the inception of a career, not to mention the ridiculous loans and such that eat that "college degree salary" up for however long it takes to pay back.


That's my biggest complaint about college. And they force it on you, like you have to go right away, and if you don't go to a good school, you and your degree are shit. There's nothing wrong with going two years at Columbus State and then moving on to a four year school to save money. With a decent job, you can pay that out of pocket while you go to school. The money it saves you in the long run is worth it to me. Sure, you miss out on the whole "college experience" for two years, but it comes down to how important that is to you. Maybe not having to pay $30K - $60K back for those two years is worth it. And holy hell is that expensive. College tuition sure has shot up in the 10 years since I've been to school. Military + Getting your degree while you were in and not having any school loans FTW... :nod:

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The world is out to get you Eric. That ONLY HAPPENS TO YOU@!1!1!11111!

Notice in the title of the thread the word "students". This word stresses plurality. This means the author knows it's not just him.

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being an international relations major, i could probably go into the army and make a good amount of money also. just have to wait for my parents to finish paying for my college, because i sure as hell know they wouldnt pay if i went into the army (damn liberals)

my school doesnt offer ROTC either.ghey.


OMG!!! You have it so ruff don't you? STFU

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Welcome to the student world. You're life revolves around school, the only job you can really support are shitty paying shitty hour low paying jobs. If you're already working, have kids, a wife, house, etc, you're screwed. I'm glad I'm done.


Ha ha Matt. Seriously, wtf are you bitching about?

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