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Ann Coulter is a...

El Karacho1647545492

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theory-based leftist campaign


lol and what, the people on the right of the political spectrum have all their policies based in absolute fact? I'll remind you that it was the antifederalist (i use the term to get away from the Liberal/Conservative stigmas. the word means those not in favor of a powerful central government) states that fought tooth and nail to preserve slavery as a way of life. Why did they do this? It was based on the Josiah Nott theory that because the skulls of African-Americans held less shot than skulls of caucasians that they were a lesser species of human, or even not human at all. What Nott's publishers never mentioned was that he used bigger shot in the African-American skulls, which was less space efficient.



Yeah, lets not start throwing the "theory-based" shit around, now mkaaaay?

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Wow, infallible logic right thar!

Tell you what, go find some conservative black men, spout off the Latin word for "black" as loud as you can. They'll be your buddies. ;)

You remind me of Johnny himself: Ignored my whole post and went straight to the insult for a comment. Next, you'll try and make money off of it.



Another one for ya: How do you piss a liberal off? Work hard and be happy.

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lol and what, the people on the right of the political spectrum have all their policies based in absolute fact? I'll remind you that it was the antifederalist (i use the term to get away from the Liberal/Conservative stigmas. the word means those not in favor of a powerful central government) states that fought tooth and nail to preserve slavery as a way of life. Why did they do this? It was based on the Josiah Nott theory that because the skulls of African-Americans held less shot than skulls of caucasians that they were a lesser species of human, or even not human at all. What Nott's publishers never mentioned was that he used bigger shot in the African-American skulls, which was less space efficient.



Yeah, lets not start throwing the "theory-based" shit around, now mkaaaay?

I love when stories from ages ago are brought in to support modern arguments. Different lifetime. Also, I'm not conservative, I just have more bones to pick with libbies.

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Another one for ya: How do you piss a liberal off? Work hard and be happy.


Ha ha! QFT


Democrats feed off of the misery of the impoverished. As soon as one of them climbs out of their hole through hard work and self-responsibility, they become the liberal's enemy.

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Guest Mushijobah

Democrats feed off of the misery of the impoverished. As soon as one of them climbs out of their hole through hard work and self-responsibility, they become the liberal's enemy.



Wow...I have been thinking that for a long time, but have never figured out how to word it....Thank you!

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Ha ha! QFT


Democrats feed off of the misery of the impoverished. As soon as one of them climbs out of their hole through hard work and self-responsibility, they become Rush Limbaugh faithfuls who allow themselves to be bullshitted and ignore the plight of others.



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Hmmm, calling Edwards a fag is a bit strong, but I am going to guess she didn't mean it in a literal sense. His personal preferences of playing the skin flute are really academic in reality. Now the bulk of you are aware that I am a conservative Republican, that is waay to the right. But I don't get my news from Rush, or Ann or even Shawn H. Personally I believe that Limbaugh is the most self absorbed ass on the planet, but he will bring topics to the table that you are not hearing about on the major news outlets. Here is where the conservative and the liberal part ways. I take the topic and research it, go on a fact finding mission. And the important thing is I look at both sides (liberal / conservative sources) and then base my opinions on that.

Take global warming, there is more proof that is a bunch of shit than anyone can reasonably question. Hell, look at the fact that the data used to base the whole theory has at best been gathered in the last 200 years. The planet is 4.5 billion years old, so looking at it from a purely scientific perspective, and going with the rule of scientific experimentation and variance and tolerance how can any one base and finding on such a small percentage of data in the grand scope of it, yet there are people with the agenda of pushing forward with trying to control this, not being able to actually quantify what they claim to be trying to control. Layman's terms is this. If I call one or you an asshole, and everyone else says your not, does it make you an asshole just because one person said it? You can't base fact on opinion, it don't work that way.


As far as Edwards, I will say if nothing else, Ann Coulter is honest if not blunt. And this is part of what I liked about Bush bt to me, none of the political heads take it far enough.

Saying "If you're not with us you're against us" is politically correct banter.

Say " If your harboring these bastards, we are going to come and get them and fuck your country up doing it, and run you out of power while we are there." Then you have their attention. Seems that we did a bit of that, and we are doing some more of it. But we ain't done yet. The next group to say that to is Mexico. We need to tell them if they are not going to keep their people from crossing the border, we will consider it a threat to our nation and will be invading and taking over down there as well.

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Democrats feed off of the misery of the impoverished. As soon as one of them climbs out of their hole through hard work and self-responsibility, they become Rush Limbaugh faithfuls who allow themselves to be bullshitted and ignore the plight of others.




How is it fixed???? You are stating nothing but fact here. Other than being bullshitted? And like I said before, if you aren't doing your own fact finding and verification, then you deserve to be bullshitted.


As far as ignoring the pligt of others, yeah, you're right. I don't give a fiddler's flying fuck about someone else's problems. I have my own set of problems to contend with.


How many homeless people are you currently letting shack up at your place?

How many single mothers are you taking to the grocery store each week and buying food for?

When it was really fucking cold a few weeks's ago, just how many blankets did you load in the back of your car and go hand out to people sleeping on the street?

You and I both know the answer to that. All those people made desisions in their lives that have ultimately landed them where they are. No one forced them to make those desisions, they made them of their own free will and are now paying the piper.

Life here is pretty simple, get an education, get a job, get shelter (house, apt or what ever) and then pay for it all because you have a job, because you got an education. Simple enough, it's called capitalism.

Now, the government taking your money that you make from your job providing housing and food for everyone that has their hand out is called socialism. You can call it aid, or assistance or what the fuck ever, it's still socialism. I worked for it, I made it and those that didn't are NOT somehow entitled to it.


It's really just that simple.

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Democrats feed off of the misery of the impoverished. As soon as one of them climbs out of their hole through hard work and self-responsibility, they become Rush Limbaugh faithfuls who allow themselves to be bullshitted and ignore the plight of others.




How is it fixed???? You are stating nothing but fact here. Other than being bullshitted? And like I said before, if you aren't doing your own fact finding and verification, then you deserve to be bullshitted.


As far as ignoring the pligt of others, yeah, you're right. I don't give a fiddler's flying fuck about someone else's problems. I have my own set of problems to contend with.


How many homeless people are you currently letting shack up at your place?

How many single mothers are you taking to the grocery store each week and buying food for?

When it was really fucking cold a few weeks's ago, just how many blankets did you load in the back of your car and go hand out to people sleeping on the street?

You and I both know the answer to that. All those people made desisions in their lives that have ultimately landed them where they are. No one forced them to make those desisions, they made them of their own free will and are now paying the piper.

Life here is pretty simple, get an education, get a job, get shelter (house, apt or what ever) and then pay for it all because you have a job, because you got an education. Simple enough, it's called capitalism.

Now, the government taking your money that you make from your job providing housing and food for everyone that has their hand out is called socialism. You can call it aid, or assistance or what the fuck ever, it's still socialism. I worked for it, I made it and those that didn't are NOT somehow entitled to it.


It's really just that simple.


All I was trying to illustrate here is that IMHO, 50% of Republicans are fall into one of three catagories:


1) Wealthy, generally unsympathetic to the general welfare of others

2) Assholes, generally unsympathetic to the general welfare of others

3) Both


The other 50% have legitimate opinions, and the cognitive ability on which to base their own decisions... rather than adopting the views of NPR spin doctors.


Everyone has the right to their opinion. If there weren't people like us with different views, this country would be a cesspool of fascist behavior, or somewhere you might be imprisioned for not recycling your old pizza boxes. The balance between them is what allows people to coexist semi-peacefully with opportunities for all.


But let's face it, the Republican party in general is biased towards allowing the wealthy to stay that way, and the poor to do likewise. I just happen to be for upward mobility; as unfortunately, not everyone is born equal or is afforded the same luxuries. Leveling the playing field every once in a while doesn't hurt, because not everyone who is wealthy deserves it; and not everyone who is poor deserves it.


And for the record, We did allow a homeless person to stay with my family for half of last year. Yes, we knew him. No, I didn't claim him on my taxes. :)

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Seriously though, this is one of the times that I agree more than not with what desperado is saying (holy shit?!).


All I'll say for the rest of this thread:

"The surest way to corrupt a youth is to instruct him to hold in higher esteem those who think alike than those who think differently." - Nietzsche

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All I was trying to illustrate here is that IMHO, 50% of Republicans are fall into one of three catagories:


1) Wealthy, generally unsympathetic to the general welfare of others

2) Assholes, generally unsympathetic to the general welfare of others

3) Both


The other 50% have legitimate opinions, and the cognitive ability on which to base their own decisions... rather than adopting the views of NPR spin doctors.


Everyone has the right to their opinion. If there weren't people like us with different views, this country would be a cesspool of fascist behavior, or somewhere you might be imprisioned for not recycling your old pizza boxes. The balance between them is what allows people to coexist semi-peacefully with opportunities for all.


But let's face it, the Republican party in general is biased towards allowing the wealthy to stay that way, and the poor to do likewise. I just happen to be for upward mobility; as unfortunately, not everyone is born equal or is afforded the same luxuries. Leveling the playing field every once in a while doesn't hurt, because not everyone who is wealthy deserves it; and not everyone who is poor deserves it.


And for the record, We did allow a homeless person to stay with my family for half of last year. Yes, we knew him. No, I didn't claim him on my taxes. :)


Imho this is the break down of the dems/liberals


1. Deep down they are good people with noble aspirations that are mislead into thinking that doing for others is the best thing. Sometimes it is best for a man to stand on his own. Also hunger and a roof over your head is a good motivator to succeed in life.


2. Fail to understand that individuals have the ability to fend for themselves. Many times the good intentions to protect people from harm is based on "feelings". For example affirmative action. In its inception it was needed, but at this point in time, it is only serving to keep minorities with a feeling of inability to succeed with out help.


3. Have a hard time taking a stand in positions that may be unpopular, but morally right. ie. gay marriage. More and more, it is socially popular to be a "Mo", that does not make it right. Just because Hollywood portrays it as cool does not reshape the morals that have stood for centuries.


4. Tend to believe that others should follow what they say is right, but ignore their own advice. For example Al Gore telling all of us the earth is going to die because of global warming but he goes to events in a private jet instead of flying commercial using less fuel per-person.


Flame on, you moveon.orgers :D

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People who shoehorn others into categories of left and right do so because arguing on actual issues is requires the realization that individualism still exists. Every mention of politics on this board becomes a team sport of us vs. them. It is easier to automatically associate a stigmatized platform to anyone who disagrees with you than actually constructing a logical argument. What’s worse is those of you who formulate your assertations based on the climate of the party/political orientation whose flag you so boastfully parade. The worst thing about the last 8 years of politics is that G.W the "Uniter" did the exact opposite in the polarization of the nation into a "with us or against us" battle cry.


Put down your partisan flags and start thinking for yourselves, then I might actually venture into of these political firestorms... and own you all. ;)

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Right, you continue to define yourself by who you are "against" rather than emboldening your viewpoint


A degree in Chiropractics does not a political expert make.


Even in your juvenile retort you assumed that I was on the "other team" when, in fact, I would probably agree with 90% of your republican economic opinions. At 34 and with the prefix you wear like a nametag, you should have realized by now that the shades of grey are far more encompassing than the black and white at each end.

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Imho this is the break down of the dems/liberals


1. Deep down they are good people with noble aspirations that are mislead into thinking that doing for others is the best thing. Sometimes it is best for a man to stand on his own. Also hunger and a roof over your head is a good motivator to succeed in life.


2. Fail to understand that individuals have the ability to fend for themselves. Many times the good intentions to protect people from harm is based on "feelings". For example affirmative action. In its inception it was needed, but at this point in time, it is only serving to keep minorities with a feeling of inability to succeed with out help.


3. Have a hard time taking a stand in positions that may be unpopular, but morally right. ie. gay marriage. More and more, it is socially popular to be a "Mo", that does not make it right. Just because Hollywood portrays it as cool does not reshape the morals that have stood for centuries.


4. Tend to believe that others should follow what they say is right, but ignore their own advice. For example Al Gore telling all of us the earth is going to die because of global warming but he goes to events in a private jet instead of flying commercial using less fuel per-person.


Flame on, you moveon.orgers :D

Nicely said.

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Right, you continue to define yourself by who you are "against" rather than emboldening your viewpoint


A degree in Chiropractics does not a political expert make.


Even in your juvenile retort you assumed that I was on the "other team" when, in fact, I would probably agree with 90% of your republican economic opinions. At 34 and with the prefix you wear like a nametag, you should have realized by now that the shades of grey are far more encompassing than the black and white at each end.



The oposite of what I am against is where I stand. Simple concept.


A degree in chiropractic has nothing to do with my political viewpoints. It is common for chiropractors to be on the complete opposite spectrum of my political view points.


I worked very hard and spent the majority of my adult life so far to get that name tag, I will wear it as I please and be very proud of it. If you ever get one, I hope you wear it to, and be proud of it.


Right and wrong have no shades of gray.. that is called fence sitting.

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First off, Derick, by what you posted, specifically changed or "fixed" about some one being poor, impoverished and then grabbing themselves by the boot straps and pulling their life up to a better level, then being 'brainwashed' by the right into not caring for the plight of others welfare is exactly what I am getting at with what I said. They more than anyone else realize that you create your situation, and only you can rectify your situation if it's unacceptable to you. The guy that gets out of the shelter, into his own place and works proves the point.


Now, it's not that I don't care about the general welfare of others. And BTW, I commend you for taking in someone that is down on their luck and HELPING them to get back on their feet. This is the way it should work, we as a nation should take care of each other, because we want to and it's the right thing to do, not because the government tells us that we are going to.


Consider this, if a single mother lived next to you came over and knocked at your door. She explained to you that she wasn't working currently and needed assistance with some food for her and her kids. You, I, and everyone else on this board for that matter would pause only long enough to fine our keys, put on our shoes and take her to the store and get her a couple bags of food. And not think anything of it other than to good feeling that you get from doing something of this nature. And many of us, if things were a bit tight for us at that time, would skip the trip out to eat that week just to do something like this, because we feel it's more important.


Now, a week goes by, and the same girl is back, but it's only been a week and getting a job is difficult. Off to the grocery we go again. But after we get back we see that she's across the street, with the same story for the neighbor, who takes her for food as well. Now you are paying closer attention to her during the week, and she home all day doing nothing. The week come and goes, and she's beating on the door again. At this point, or at some point you finally tell her to get a fucking job.


Thing is that every week, the federal government takes money that we worked hard for and gives it to people that didn't work for it. I am not talking about the truly disabled either, we should have things in place to care for those that are incapable of taking care of themselves. The rest of them that can work should work. This is where you get the division between a liberal and a conservative. The conservative will help out of his pocket without batting an eye, as long as it's assistance and not a hand out. The liberal will take from anyone that has more than the other guy and give it to him and claim that it's only fair.


Here's a good example, the company I work for has adopted an elementary school, we bought every child a coat, hat and gloves in the late fall for the past two years. Our employee's go over and tutor the students and more than anything show some level of caring and support to them. Nothing says anywhere that we have to, we simply choose to because some of those kids (a vast majority) need a break, and a helping hand. The government's course of action to deal with this is to take, by force if necessary, (and don't believe for one minute that if you don't pay your taxes and the feds seize your house that they will not remove you by force and jail you) money that you worked for and hand it to their parents, without regard to the way that they care for the very children that money is suppose to pay for.

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The conservative will help out of his pocket without batting an eye, as long as it's assistance and not a hand out. The liberal will take from anyone that has more than the other guy and give it to him and claim that it's only fair.

Mostly how I see it.

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I stand by IWISHIWASCOOL ...


The mostfrustrating thing with many people is that they either are for or against 'it'. That many people are not willing to break a topic down into sub-fragments and start looking at things from more than just one or two angles.


For example, the most complex part of my Econ Major is having to account for as much data as possible, which honestly is near impossible, but the deeper we dive into data and statistics, the more clear the picture becomes and its never simple like camera one or camera two.


So when it comes to social issues, well forget that! Econ is easy because you can attach numbers and numerical values (not categorical) to your topics and use history to prove a point. With social issues, that comes down to the majority of the population. I do however think that social issues are extremely hard to honestly be correct about without throwing to the wind other facts/opinions. Good luck guys on the flame war, Ill sit back with my popcorn and watch ...

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Put down your partisan flags and start thinking for yourselves, then I might actually venture into of these political firestorms... and own you all. ;)


I live for such arguments. However, I feel pretty confident in saying that I am just a reasonable human being; rather than falling squarely into either wing. While my views generally fall closer to what most would consider the liberal end of the spectrum, I do deviate on certain issues. That being said, I have a feeling there wouldn't be much for us to argue about.


The liberal will take from anyone that has more than the other guy and give it to him and claim that it's only fair.


Keith, I'll agree with most of what you've said, but I'm not sure this is the case. I can only speak for myself, but I personally don't feel this way. I think that spending tax dollars for welfare programs isn't Communist; it's the best we've got. Sure, the system gets abused. I'd venture to say that half of the people recieving public assistance are fully capable of working like you and I do but choose to make no effort. But there are some who can't. Do we punish everyone to make ourselves stand a little taller?


Not so long ago, I was a 20 year old married man, with a 2 year old son. We lived in a small apartment with no air conditioning, and barely made ends meet. When I say barely, I mean that there were times I used to wade through the fountain at the Continent stealing change for diaper money. I knew it was wrong, but what to do? My folks could have helped, but I couldn't bring myself to ask more from them; they had done more than enough for me.


The only time in my life I had to put something back at the grocery store was around this time. I had just waited for a young lady with purple permed hair, jewelry in her nails, and gold teeth to finish checking out. She spent almost $400 on steaks, seafood, and name brand cereals (among other things) only to pay with food stamps. No big deal, I guess. Except that she had a few twelve packs of beer at the very bottom of the cart. She paid for these with cash (I guess you have to) and sifted through 12 or 13 hundred dollar bills before finding a twenty to pay for them. That chapped my ass. Here I was, working my ass off, with $75 to buy groceries and live on until I got paid again... putting back a box of store brand cereal because I had gone over my budget. I have never forgotten that experience. (Can you tell?) Any sense of pride I ever had because I never applied for any assistance was out the window.


I guess what I'm getting at is that for every person you see that weasels their way out of standing on their own two feet, there's someone who is trying but can't. I can't bring myself to feel that we should deprive those folks of the help they need in order to prevent Ms. Purple perm from cheating the system.

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