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Snow = Chaos

Dr. Apex

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What is it with this town?? We get a dusting of snow and it all goes to shit on the roads.


From Pickerington to Polaris tonight I saw over 15 wrecks and over 30 cars damaged or in a ditch!! Is it that fucking hard to drive in this stuff?? I wasn't having any trouble in it and I was driving the S2000 tonight!!


It's my belief that part of it is the lack of proper driver schooling and far too low a standard of driver testing by the state. In a lot of countries it takes thousands of dollars and months to earn a drivers license and it's clear we need training of that type in our state as people here cannot drive worth a shit!!

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71 was a sheet of ice, don't know what happened to ODOT tonight


And yes most people do not know how to drive in the fucking snow


270 was as well, yet I managed in an S2000 on summer tires, it's not really that hard, which I guess is why it's hard for me to understand how people can't manage a 5000lb suv that has tons of grip in this stuff.

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The north side was utter chaos - police shut down several major on-ramps (e.g., at Polaris Parkway and 71 southbound). (I managed to circumvent the shut-downs and eventually got on 71 S.) 71 northbound was closed due to a wreck somewhere around the Hudson Ave area. What was odd is that, after you got into the split (at least heading eastbound), it was completely dry - no dusting, no wet pavement, nothing.
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[day after snow post template]


[Whats with people, I drive [car type here] with [2 year old slicks, or type of tire] and I still drove perfectly. I saw wrecks [location 1] and [location 2] as I sped by at [+20 MPH of actual speed]. People in this city are retarded and have no ability to drive, I however, am the best driver you will ever meet and want to make sure you all know that.]

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[day after snow post template]


[Whats with people, I drive [car type here] with [2 year old slicks, or type of tire] and I still drove perfectly. I saw wrecks [location 1] and [location 2] as I sped by at [+20 MPH of actual speed]. People in this city are retarded and have no ability to drive, I however, am the best driver you will ever meet and want to make sure you all know that.]


LOL! The way I see people driving in this weather I am beginning to think I am one of the better ones. It can't be that damn hard if I can manage an S2000 on summer tires in this stuff, that or I am that damn good! :D


That's odd the way some areas had a lot of snow and some had none, it was wet in pickerington but as soon as I got on 270 north it went to shit fast. The bulk of the wrecks I saw were concentrated at Easton, between 62 and the easton exit there were over a dozen cars wrecked and a van pulling a trailer that had jacknifed into the center median. The irony again was most of the vehicles I saw wrecked were suv's!!

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The north side was utter chaos - police shut down several major on-ramps (e.g., at Polaris Parkway and 71 southbound). (I managed to circumvent the shut-downs and eventually got on 71 S.) 71 northbound was closed due to a wreck somewhere around the Hudson Ave area. What was odd is that, after you got into the split (at least heading eastbound), it was completely dry - no dusting, no wet pavement, nothing.



Agreed! I was coming home right in the middle of this and the roads were solid ice. I saw people playing pinball off the wall on 71 North right at the polaris exit. I saw a 6 liter GTO get stuck in the middle of polaris on the ice. Every time he would try to let the clutch out, it would just spin. I think he finally gave up and parked it.

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Didn't you say in the other thread you were doing 35mph in the S2000? I am not raggin' on you for being safe but doing 35 in the snow doesn't really make you an expert snow driver.


No it doesn't, I'm an average driver, but I am confident in myself. Honestly I wish I had been in my Pathfinder last night as it was difficult to get home.

I know not everyone is a good or great driver but we get this weather often enough(especially ice) that people should be able to manage with the little bit we had last night.

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No it doesn't, I'm an average driver, but I am confident in myself. Honestly I wish I had been in my Pathfinder last night as it was difficult to get home.

I know not everyone is a good or great driver but we get this weather often enough(especially ice) that people should be able to manage with the little bit we had last night.


Understood. :nod:

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I didn't understand that SUV that almost hit me on 23 yesterday. I was thinking about going in the left lane 2 minutes before I saw the SUV... Good thing I didn't. He/She was sliding sideways then he/she would get grip just to do a 180 and start sliding sideways more. In my saturn though I was able to drive quickly off the right side of the road then back into the right lane without getting hit or spinning out. The person in the left lane got hit though after I was off the right side of the road. That was pretty nerve racking. I had my cd player on pretty loud and I heard the cars smashing together. =(


I think only once did my ABS kick on and that was when I was slowing down when going down that hill on 23 south right before you get to 270. And I wasn't anywhere close to the driver in front of me when I was sliding.


I rather drive 10 miles an hour and not hurt myself or others when it is snowing. I saw a woman driving about 30mph past me on 23 with what looked like 2 babies in the car. If I was that woman I would of parked in a parking lot and not drove until it got better outside.

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I threw it in 4WD and had some fun. Did some 4-wheel drifting in a parking lot, and was nailing the gas at every stop light.


Only dangerous spot I found was one downhill part on Riverside; total sheet of ice. Had the ABS full-on and wasn't slowing down at all. That said, I had a TON of distance between myself and the guy in front of me.

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I had to take the detour down Hudson when they shut down 71. I think everyone would have been better off staying on the freeway. Hudson was a sheet of ice most of the way to High st. There's a hill at the intersection of Hudson and High and there was already an accident there. I had to keep bumping the curb to keep from sliding down the hill into the intersection.


In the 2 hours it took to get to non-icy pavement I saw 4 wrecks happen, probably 8 or more that had alrady occured (including a car up on the sidewalk on High), countless near-misses, probably 10 emergency vehicles (ambulances and such) but NO salt trucks until I was almost under 270. Needelss to say, I think the city was ill-prepared for this one.

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but NO salt trucks until I was almost under 270. Needelss to say, I think the city was ill-prepared for this one.


Agreed, I saw one truck on the way home and that's it though the snow was more than was called for I believe.

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