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My Brother's ex girlfriend Died this weekend


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This was a long time girlfriend of my little brother, and they were still good friends. If you read up on it she was not wearing her seatbelt as she was driving in the pass. seat with 3 other people. I dont know if the guy driving was a friend or a new boyfried or what, but from what I have been told recently is that he is in jail and drugs and alcohol were involved. She was only 17 and if drugs and alcohol were really involved I hope he gets put away for a long time and what happened saturday night haunts him for the rest of his life. He is 18 so he will be tried accordingly. She was a very nice girl, my whole family enjoyed to have her around. Nothing bad to say except that she was mixed up with the wrong croud. It is very surreal and eye awakening, Plain city and Jonathan Alder is very small so everyone knows each other and are usually in close contact with everyone very often. It is very unfortunate. I hope it really wakes up all the people that knew here in the community and went to school with her.

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I heard about it Sunday morning. He was her new boyfriend. I knew him fairly well, can't say I really knew her all to well though. It was very hard for me hearing what happened. Everything is just starting to hit way to close to home for me with the whole bus accident in Atlanta too. I had 2 friends in that. Thankfully they're alright.


I feel horrible for Sierra's parents and the parents of the 4 baseball players that lost their lives over the weekend. Hope your brother is doing alright.

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I hope it wakes up everyone about seat belts. My 3yr old asks "why?" all the time...when it came to us wearing seat belts I simply brought an egg outside. Explained that he is the egg. I dropped it on the floor and explained that the splattered egg was him not wearing a seatbelt if we ever got in a car accident.


Now he goes around telling everyone to be sure and wear their seatbelt or they will turn into a splattered egg.


I think it's safe to say he knows now.


It is very unfortunate. I hope it really wakes up all the people that knew here in the community and went to school with her.
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