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Scooter Libby = PWNED!!!!

El Karacho1647545492

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wheres karl rove at?

He's advising president Bush on how to Pardon Libby and spin it to his favor. Lets face it, Libby knows along, and I'd be suprised if W leaves him hang out to dry. If he feels abandoned, his lips may loosen.


We'll be told he was pardoned because he beleived he was representing the best intrests of the country. He's a patriot, and all that.

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a pardon may happen, but i dunno...if the republicans get the presidency again, W may leave it up to the next prez to do the honors



I dont see why. Clinton did the same thing right before he left. I can't remember who he pardon'ed and why but just a few weeks before leaving office he did so. Why not, then there's no reprecussion for it?

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I dont see why. Clinton did the same thing right before he left. I can't remember who he pardon'ed and why but just a few weeks before leaving office he did so. Why not, then there's no reprecussion for it?

Because people like to think Clinton was a perfect President.

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He's advising president Bush on how to Pardon Libby and spin it to his favor. Lets face it, Libby knows along, and I'd be suprised if W leaves him hang out to dry. If he feels abandoned, his lips may loosen.


We'll be told he was pardoned because he beleived he was representing the best intrests of the country. He's a patriot, and all that.


Wow... my sentiments exactly.

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I dont see why. Clinton did the same thing right before he left. I can't remember who he pardon'ed and why but just a few weeks before leaving office he did so. Why not, then there's no reprecussion for it?

Clinton pardoned his half-brother, along with a few people involved in the Whitewater scandal that Bill and Hillary were allegedly involved with, though no charges were officially made.


The difference is that Bill Clinton pardoned all those people knowing that a Republican was coming into office. Therefore there would be no immediate reprocussions for him or his political party. If the Republican candidate wins in 2008, Bush may not be so hasty to go on a pardoning rampage because the Republicans still have to appeal to a potentially still Democrat Congress.

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n the final analysis, he said jurors found Libby's story just too hard to believe.


"It was just very hard to believe how he could remember it on a Tuesday and forget it on a Thursday and then remember it two days later," Collins told reporters outside U.S. District Court. "Having said that, I will say that there was a tremendous amount of sympathy for Mr. Libby on the jury."

"It was said a number of times, 'What are we doing with this guy here? Where's [Karl] Rove … where are these other guys?'


"We're not saying we didn't think Mr. Libby was guilty of the things we found him guilty of, but it seemed like … he was the fall guy."


Collins said the jury believed Libby was "tasked by the vice president to go and talk to reporters."


Collins said among their key points of deliberation were: motivation to tell the truth, motivation to lie, believability and state of mind.



The primary testimony that convinced the jury on most of the counts, Collins said, was Libby's alleged conversation with NBC's "Meet the Press" moderator Tim Russert. "Some of us believed it never happened," he said.


"We were told he had a bad memory and we actually believed he did." But that testimony was contradicted by testimony that he had an incredible grasp of details.



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