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Met cool chick....


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... didnt play my usual patient and smooth approach (reason: wanted to try a new approach).. Was really up front and direct really soon and told her to call me (this works for me normally with patience).. and then talk to her today and she said she went on date with some chode on Friday and they are going out again tonight.



1.) Im not out yet because I always have extreme luck with "taken" chicks ( :D keke)

2.) Up front approach didnt snag her rite away because shes probably not a ho

3.) Will keep trying because shes probably a good catch ;)

4.) All else fails, there are plenty of womenzz out there :D


Sorry no pix.

Thanks for reading lame thread, kthnxbye.

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To add something else...

Im sure this happens to a lot of you as well....


Today I walk by this girl and she stops me.... plain as day....

Girl: Hey I need a favor

Me: Ahhh that depends what it is

Girl: I need some help with my computer... at my place of course... I'll do whatever you want, even make you some dinner

Me: Hah, wow. Mkay then.

Exchange numbers and I guess im headed there after work.


Conclusions: Not interested in girl, but could be some great fun :D :D

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To add something else...

Im sure this happens to a lot of you as well....


Today I walk by this girl and she stops me.... plain as day....

Girl: Hey I need a favor

Me: Ahhh that depends what it is

Girl: I need some help with my computer... at my place of course... I'll do whatever you want, even make you some dinner

Me: Hah, wow. Mkay then.

Exchange numbers and I guess im headed there after work.


Conclusions: Not interested in girl, but could be some great fun :D :D


Cha-Ching ;)

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To add something else...

Im sure this happens to a lot of you as well....


Today I walk by this girl and she stops me.... plain as day....

Girl: Hey I need a favor

Me: Ahhh that depends what it is

Girl: I need some help with my computer... at my place of course... I'll do whatever you want, even make you some dinner

Me: Hah, wow. Mkay then.

Exchange numbers and I guess im headed there after work.


Conclusions: Not interested in girl, but could be some great fun :D :D


only for you to get there and fix what her live in boyfriend f'ed up. :)

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only for you to get there and fix what her live in boyfriend f'ed up. :)


Doh. Ill just walk out and tell her I cant fix it then :D And then tell her BF to stay off the prono websites and his shit wouldnt be broke!

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Doh. Ill just walk out and tell her I cant fix it then :D And then tell her BF to stay off the prono websites and his shit wouldnt be broke!


If that is the case tell her it is a common virus going around that stems from a website where males go to view age 10 and below pornography. He will gone soon enough. :nod:

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so wait, you both work in the same place? :nono:


Ya.. Its bad.. I have learned to stay away from dipping pen in company ink.

Chances are I will just go over there because Im too nice, fix her shit and take off.. and not have to worry about rumors flying around

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john we need chicks like this at the DC... all of them are south side trash. its ridiculous.


Werd.. thats because your at the wrong building son! But the DC chicks in the other location are just as trashy trust me.. all trailer park girls with kids and cheating husbands..


Not even the CC girls are worth drooling over.

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Ya.. Its bad.. I have learned to stay away from dipping pen in company ink.

Chances are I will just go over there because Im too nice, fix her shit and take off.. and not have to worry about rumors flying around




I though this was some girl who just like stopped you on the street. Silly me.

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I though this was some girl who just like stopped you on the street. Silly me.


lord oh mighty, no those girls I stop are NASTY as can be... like.. if I had no teeth, no home, and HIV x11ty billion I STILL wouldnt hit them!!! hah


I did arrest this cute 19yr old girl a couple days ago though.. sad shit is.. she was suspended already, will get suspended again.. is an at home nurse.. and she keeps getting herself in deeper and deeper.. *sigh* Oh well.

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lord oh mighty, no those girls I stop are NASTY as can be... like.. if I had no teeth, no home, and HIV x11ty billion I STILL wouldnt hit them!!! hah


I did arrest this cute 19yr old girl a couple days ago though.. sad shit is.. she was suspended already, will get suspended again.. is an at home nurse.. and she keeps getting herself in deeper and deeper.. *sigh* Oh well.


Haha. Dyslexia?


I meant a girl stopped YOU on the street and just randomly asked you to fix her computer. That would mean definate sexxoring.

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Haha. Dyslexia?


I meant a girl stopped YOU on the street and just randomly asked you to fix her computer. That would mean definate sexxoring.


holy moses.. I just have something on my mind... sexxoring:woowoo:

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hahaha... yeah, a lot of the wives at the DC are cheating whores. this one chick kept sweating me. she wanted to hook up, but i told her i didnt feel like having a gun pointed to my head if her old man caught me slipping.
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It was too easy though... maybe Ill just mess with this chick until she wants me bad enough that she will do ANYTHING for me... :lol:


John, i did the same exact thing. Im this close to get her to buy me a bike, or at least just sign for one :) if so i'll have her make the payments.


As far as the approach... fast and forward always worked for me. After I broke up with my girl I would go out and chat it up with pretty much any girl at a bar/restaurant, get a girl to laugh in the first 60 seconds and your golden, keep her smiling and ask her out... simple. If she says no, big friggin' deal.


Oh and just b/c she's "taken" doesn't mean a damned thing.

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