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Ticket help again. Entrapment?

Guest 90probev8

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Guest 90probev8
Can a cop sit in the middle of the freeway blacked-out and get you for speeding? Isn't that some sort of entrapment law that says they can't. and how about raising sun police department.
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Please fill out the following Form:



CR Help Me I'm Speeding Form Rev. 2.16


Hi, I'm ________________ I was going _______ in a _________ and got cought.

What bullcrap excuse can I use to try and avoid this ticket?

Is it true that the sherrif/trooper/cop can't tag me while parked next to:

Sign, Building, At Dark, Without Lights, Ect. Ect.


Sincerly, __IDIOT__ <----Filled that part out for you already.

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Its funny, the last time I got pulled over I though "Crap, I shouldn't have been driving so fast"


Apparently I should have been thinking "damn cop, I bet what he is doing is illegal I wonder what I can do to get out of this".


Just remember you aren't crazy when the world really IS out to get you. BTW, when you start owning your own mistakes and rectifying them yourself you can call yourself a man.

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Can a cop sit in the middle of the freeway blacked-out and get you for speeding? Isn't that some sort of entrapment law that says they can't. and how about raising sun police department.


If I am remembering the law correctly, it stipulates that, in order to receive a citation, the officer must be in a clearly-marked police vehicle (i.e., a car that says "POLICE" on it) or in uniform (i.e., he can be in an unmarked car, but he has to then be in his police uniform), and his vehicle must be visible from the road. This latter part is what I think you are referring to. My understanding is this: if its dark, then the officer at least needs to have on his parking/running lights, but doesn't need to have on his headlights, but can't be sitting completely concealed in darkness, either. Again, it's been a while since I referenced the actual letter of the law, so I may be a little or even completely wrong here. We have a few law enforcement guys on here - maybe they will chime in with the official word on this.


BTW, if I'm correct, and, if I am understanding you correctly, you got a citation for speeding at night by a cop that was sitting without any lights on at all on the side of the road, then prooving that he didn't have any lights on at all would be difficult unless you have videotape of him not having any lights on. It would essentially boil down to your word against his, and, well, your screwed if it comes to that.

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What about Rosco and the Dukes of Hazzard? Hell, he'd be hiding behind a billboard and wouldn't even get a radar gun out and say they were speeding. Good ol' Duke boys. I wonder if that was legal?


I think that sort of tactic is actually wholly legal in some states, and, if I remember correctly, in a number of southern states. Our law here is much more liberal with respect to the "rights" of motorists/speeders; in some states, I don't think that the officer needs to be visible at all in order for you to be caught.

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If you take this to court you have to realize you were still speeding, which is breaking the law so either way you're still in the wrong whether you fight the officers, ticket or not.. so just pay the damn thing.
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Guest 90probev8
Hell no I won't pay the thing. If you bitch enough they reduce that shit. But I thought it could just get tossed out. be sides it's a wimps ticket 61 in a 55mph . if I want a real ticket I would do 90ish in a 55mph. I just got a ticket in logan for 85+ in a 65 and got it cut down to a tail light ticket.
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Hell no I won't pay the thing. If you bitch enough they reduce that shit. But I thought it could just get tossed out. be sides it's a wimps ticket 61 in a 55mph . if I want a real ticket I would do 90ish in a 55mph. I just got a ticket in logan for 85+ in a 65 and got it cut down to a tail light ticket.


It's been a while since I've seen a post this chock full of flame fodder.


Given this post, the over/under on your survival on CR is now 2 days. Good luck.

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Hell no I won't pay the thing. If you bitch enough they reduce that shit. But I thought it could just get tossed out. be sides it's a wimps ticket 61 in a 55mph . if I want a real ticket I would do 90ish in a 55mph. I just got a ticket in logan for 85+ in a 65 and got it cut down to a tail light ticket.


I almost started to feel bad for how much you got flamed in here, but after reading this I changed my mind.


Around here we feel that tickets are simply our payment for being able to enjoy driving. Now, had you said that you knew you fucked up, are willing to pay the fine, but would like advice to knock it down to a no points violation you would have received some support. I do agree that 61 in a 55 is pretty shitty, but the officer is well within the law to give you that ticket. If its a no points pay it, if its a points then talk to the prosecutor, see if you can get them to reduce it to something stupid. If you go in with the mentality that you are showing now they will laugh at you and hit you with highest fine possible.

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