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I hate the argument if you anit done nothing wrong why would you care.....


I care

Okay, and why DO you care then? I'm not giving my opinion just yet, just curious as why you hate that and yet all you have to say is that you care.

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Guest Luetic

I quit watching about 1/2 way thru. Do they ever say how they think you're harmed or potential inconvenienced by security surveillance unless you are a criminal? I see noting wrong with it.


Who monitors the monitors?

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I quit watching about 1/2 way thru. Do they ever say how they think you're harmed or potential inconvenienced by security surveillance unless you are a criminal? I see noting wrong with it.


Who monitors the monitors?



Would you mind if your car was governed to the state speed limit?


Please send me your email address and password so I can look through your email. Since you don't have a problem with anyone reading it, I would like to see what you have.

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I care because , If I wanna talk to my friend about the time i was doing my wife in 0 grav or what ever i want to talk about thats my buisness then why should someone else have the right to EASE drop.



You don't have to be breakiung the law to have privacy.

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I don't believe specifically phone calls are regulated like that. Certain things cause government agenices to investigate. My friend's dad was doing business over the phone a while ago and he had a 2 hour phone conference to someone in Germany. Someone contacted him a day later and asked him a couple of questions about it and he checked out after a couple minutes. I'm okay with this sort of checkup because I could see how that is suspicious.


I do somewhat agree. though, that some security measures are going a bit far.

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Unfortunately phones have been tapped. This is old news.




It would be very easy to abuse these powers if the government had them.

Nice source...


Maybe I misunderstood that but...

More than 30 times in what? 6 years? How many phone calls are made in our nation per day? That hardly seems harsh to me.

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It sickens me the level of fascism that has sprung up as a result of "terrorism." We were doing just fine and dandy until a plane flew into a building, and now our country is going down the shitter without a courtesy flush, resulting in a huge mess.


My question is, where does it end? Will it be when after our children are medicated into a stupor, only criminals have guns, cameras take pictures of you speeding on the highway and send you a ticket automatically, and the government has a video camera wired into everyones homes? Oh wait, all of that is already in the process of happening. This is the kind of shit that makes me want to buy a cabin in the middle of the woods and start reloading my own ammunition.

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It sickens me the level of fascism that has sprung up as a result of "terrorism." We were doing just fine and dandy until a plane flew into a building, and now our country is going down the shitter without a courtesy flush, resulting in a huge mess.


My question is, where does it end? Will it be when after our children are medicated into a stupor, only criminals have guns, cameras take pictures of you speeding on the highway and send you a ticket automatically, and the government has a video camera wired into everyones homes? Oh wait, all of that is already in the process of happening. This is the kind of shit that makes me want to buy a cabin in the middle of the woods and start reloading my own ammunition.




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Guest Luetic

I hate to tell you, but phone calls in the U.S. have been screen and monitored since the 1950's! This is not new or in response to terrorism.


I didn't say I wouldn't care if ANY one read it or listened, I said law enforcement. They do anyway.


Try it out. Email all your buddies a detailed plan to kill the president. See if you're email is monitored, see if it triggers any response.


BTW they don't care about you banging your girlfriend at the NSA, hhe

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