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A truck I'd actually buy

Kip Drordy

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It's only fun because everyone gets their panties all in a ruffle. Seems Mr. Power has a really short fuse - but hey, if it makes him feel better to call people names over the internet so he can sleep at night - I have the personality that can handle it. ;)

I was serious about the 'Yota + Ducati partnership though - I don't understand it.

Edited by JRMMiii
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its SEMA. what do you expect?

SEMA is a place for one off designs and ideas. this is exactly that, an idea that you or i never thought of and apparently ducati and toyota thought it was good enough to give it the go ahead. your not going to get a practical object here. remember that mini cooper that alpine did a few years back? fricking sweet but no way anyone would rock that for real.

sure maybe its not the stereotypical company cooperation project but it is a neat idea. and it is the idea that matters here not the truck or the bike. they could have done GM and kawi, or Ford and Yamaha and it would still be the same response all around. point is that its not the partnership they are pushing on you with their SEMA project but this cool trackday transporter

now this is just my late night im really tired response but what do i know.

Edited by natedogg624
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I like all those things separately. That truck is hideous and useless. (except for track day' date=' obviously.) Anybody that drives that bike to the track, with a Desmo in the back is automatically a shitty rider. I've not met a Ducati rider yet that puts that much image behind him that can actually man up on a bike. It is a pretty easy formula. The more Ducati bling the less riding ability.[/quote']
I used to think the same thing until i rode with this crazy fucker on a 1098. Another thing is most of the Desmos I've seen have had some nasty tires on em. Don't be such a hater.

his name is brian goes by brian77 on the forum hella fast great guy and would guess he could smoke most ppl on this forum on the duc or that furtura that he flies on.

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I think the truck is badass. I used to have a tacoma, but I sold it. My duc was in the back of it several times. But, because I like to keep it real, I went a bought a van instead. :lol: Bike fits great in the back and serves a better purpose for me. But either way, this is a fucking badass combo. I love toyota and ducati. Im sold. Ill take 2 :D

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lol, the way Toyota works they wont release very many and within a year all of the parts that aren't factory will be discontinued and stop saled. Notice the grille emblem is the black sand pearl? That is probably already discontinued... Toyota is goofy like that with their parts

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What's it a contest of? Toyota really doesn't make good WORK trucks. They make trucks that run forever and are good at offroading.

Not hauling, towing, payload or anything someone that REALLY uses a work truck for. And it's arguable that the GM trucks are just as lasting as the 'yotas -- and even some of the Fords make it up there in reliability and longevity too.

I'm just confused on what marketing geniuses decided it was good for Ducati OR Toyota to pair them up? Ducati is the Italian motorcycle marquee brand - Toyota is your run-of-the-mill midsize truck. I find it highly improbably that Ducati owners are looking to buy Toyota trucks to haul their bikes around with, just like I find it hard to believe most Toyota truck owners desire a Duc.

You are so very wrong! I had a boss that would load more shit in the back of his Taco, than most people would load on a trailer. He would literally have the front tires skimming the ground. The truck is still running and driving today (4 or 5 years later). Most trucks would have been shooting nuts, bolts, leaf springs, etc out from under them.

I own 2 Toyota trucks, and 0 Ducs, just for the sake of arguement.:p

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It's only fun because everyone gets their panties all in a ruffle. Seems Mr. Power has a really short fuse - but hey, if it makes him feel better to call people names over the internet so he can sleep at night - I have the personality that can handle it. ;)

I was serious about the 'Yota + Ducati partnership though - I don't understand it.

Mr. Power doesn't have a short fuse, he is just sick of you being such a know-it-all about absolutley EVERYTHING. You must have a mojor self asteem issue because you seem to expound what you feel is your vast knowledge (opinion) about anything and everything and pass it off every time as fact although most times it is just your opinion. It IS obnoxious and it IS annoying. I have bitten my toungue until now because you are just not worth pissing with.

I stand by the name I called you as it is fitting. I think most people here will agree, you ARE a douche, and a pimple on the butt of this forum.

Good day. :D

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Mr. Power doesn't have a short fuse, he is just sick of you being such a know-it-all about absolutley EVERYTHING. You must have a mojor self asteem issue because you seem to expound what you feel is your vast knowledge (opinion) about anything and everything and pass it off every time as fact although most times it is just your opinion. It IS obnoxious and it IS annoying. I have bitten my toungue until now because you are just not worth pissing with.

I stand by the name I called you as it is fitting. I think most people here will agree, you ARE a douche, and a pimple on the butt of this forum.

Good day. :D

I hadn't realized you were the spokesman for MOST of the board. And, I really don't know why you have such an issue with my "vast knowledge" - which, to be honest, is nothing more than an open mind and Google skills.

I also don't understand why you take such offense to my opinions. First, I rarely START threads, I just comment on ones others have started. I think I've started two since the board crash and one was to ask for OTHER peoples' advice. Second, I don't stoop to name calling (at least not that I can recall). Third, why would you want a board that shared the exact same thoughts? If that's what your looking for, you don't belong on ANY forums. Yea, I admit I'll give an opinion at times just to be devil's advocate and stir the pot a little just to keep the discussion lively, but I don't do so in a denigrating way.

I'm glad to have such an effect on your life that you finally couldn't bite your tongue any longer. Talk about "not worth pissing with" - you jump on my case on a thread about Toyota and Ducatis. :rolleyes:

Thanks for sharing.

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I take offense to your opinions because you try to present them as facts.

Where? I SUPPORT my opinions with facts and sources most of the time, and that's what you take offense to? Please. I take offense that you DON'T support your opinions. There's 1662 members on the board and you claim 800+ of them think I'm a douche?? If I could only be so privileged to know 800 people.

NO - YOU think I'm a douche, and YOU haven't even met me. And I surely haven't said or done anything to warrant the 5th grade name-calling. I can disagree and respect someones opinion without name calling. Once you resort to that, you lose all respect.

you know what would be even better than this pairing? A Honda ridgeline with a cbr in the back! Wow what an idea! Its perfect! Dibs on the idea trademarked and copyrighted by me.

See, now that makes sense. :D At least from a branding perspective. The jury is still out on how much I trust a unibody truck.

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you know what would be even better than this pairing? A Honda ridgeline with a cbr in the back! Wow what an idea! Its perfect! Dibs on the idea trademarked and copyrighted by me.

how about dodge teams up with a bike company to build a hemi I4.. then you have a true full size truck, which you can argue honda and toyota arnt more so honda, american v8 that is just as reliable as any other anymore, and you would have that reason of why. Using the legendary name hemi in a bike and makeing the truck a perfect track day solution. not just painting the truck the right paint scheme

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