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Any Chemist on the board?


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I am starting a silver recovery business. We are going to pull the silver from medical x-ray films and I have a few questions about the process, and the chemicals that will be used.



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i have a degree in chemistry. i will probably be of no help unfortunately as i'm not a chemist. it sounds like an interesting business you're starting, i'm sure there are tons and tons of old x-rays being discarded as people die off. many places are transferring to computer x-ray systems, and no longer make many "real x-rays" anymore. hell, i didn't even know x-ray films had silver in them, and i should know that. good luck.
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I got my question mostly answered.... One of the chemical that need to be used is Potassium Farricyanide. At first the name scared the crap out of me, but after research it is a fairly safe chemical. The question that I still have is related to the concentration of the Potassium Farricyanide needed to start the removal process of the silver halide.
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