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FU non global warming people


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If anything the poor need to pay more tax! "Miss I had three kids before twenty", with three different fathers needs to pay more tax. The way the system is now, most likely she would pay no tax, while using governmental services that we all pay for.


Flame ooooonnnnn!!!!!!


Golly, well it seems that she just had a bad run in with 3 different guys and she shouldn't be punished for that......now should she. He probably fell on her by accident. It's really our responsibility as Americans to pick up the slack for others who, just seem to have a bad run at things.

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Golly, well it seems that she just had a bad run in with 3 different guys and she shouldn't be punished for that......now should she. He probably fell on her by accident. It's really our responsibility as Americans to pick up the slack for others who, just seem to have a bad run at things.

Me thinks that was sarcasm :D

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