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From what I have read Shingles is caused by the same virus as chickenpox. So is it safe to say if I have had chickenpox when I was in elementary school and I am exposed to someone with active shingles that I won't get shingles?
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I gotta hear the story behind this one... planning something truly atavistic for St. Patricks?


My dad is coming down for St Patricks day tomorrow in dublin. He called me today to tell me he has it. I was going to hang out with him all day and drink but he didn't want me to come. He thought I might get shingles.

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From what I have read Shingles is caused by the same virus as chickenpox. So is it safe to say if I have had chickenpox when I was in elementary school and I am exposed to someone with active shingles that I won't get shingles?

The virus stays resident in the dorsal root ganglion, throughout life. The factor for a person developing shingles is related to a malfunctioning immune system that is not able to keep the virus in check. I would not worry. Maybe Kirks5.0 will chime in...

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The virus stays resident in the dorsal root ganglion, throughout life. The factor for a person developing shingles is related to a malfunctioning immune system that is not able to keep the virus in check. I would not worry. Maybe Kirks5.0 will chime in...



exactly correct



people who commonly get shingles have something wrong with their immune system. its commonly seen in HIV/AIDS patients, and organ transplant patients who are on tons of anti-rejection meds.


you shouldn't worry about contracting shingles, its not nearly as communicable as chicken pox is. unless the person has actively draining lesions that you plan on massaging, i wouldn't get too concerned.

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then why did you waste server space?



Because webpages I have read have had conflicting information I don't trust everything I read on google. I know there are doctors on here so thats why I asked. They should be more trustworthy then random webpages.

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exactly correct



people who commonly get shingles have something wrong with their immune system. its commonly seen in HIV/AIDS patients, and organ transplant patients who are on tons of anti-rejection meds.


you shouldn't worry about contracting shingles, its not nearly as communicable as chicken pox is. unless the person has actively draining lesions that you plan on massaging, i wouldn't get too concerned.


I was reading something of a study they did where they found the virus was able to float in the air and infect people. Sometimes when I get drunk I get touchy with people. That is my concern I have.

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I was reading something of a study they did where they found the virus was able to float in the air and infect people. Sometimes when I get drunk I get touchy with people. That is my concern I have.

You are going to get drunk and start touching your dad? I think you may have bigger issues to worry about than shingles

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I was reading something of a study they did where they found the virus was able to float in the air and infect people. Sometimes when I get drunk I get touchy with people. That is my concern I have.



yes, that is true. but if you've already had chicken pox, you've got nothing to worry about----the virus is already in your body. it is not an exact science as to why some people get shingles and others don't, but people who have a weaker immune system (the elderly, transplant and AIDS patients, infants, people with chronic diseases, etc.) are more susceptible to having the virus come out of its dormant state, or to catching the virus again from an infected subject. if your father has lesions that are crusty and draining, i'd have him keep those areas covered (hard to do, if its his face), and avoid touching them.


if your father is close to recovering, you're even less likely to have a problem. its been a little while since i was responsible for knowing a ton about shingles, but that is what i remember off hand--you should not worry. and you should also not be 'touchy' with your dad.

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yes, that is true. but if you've already had chicken pox, you've got nothing to worry about----the virus is already in your body. it is not an exact science as to why some people get shingles and others don't, but people who have a weaker immune system (the elderly, transplant and AIDS patients, infants, people with chronic diseases, etc.) are more susceptible to having the virus come out of its dormant state, or to catching the virus again from an infected subject. if your father has lesions that are crusty and draining, i'd have him keep those areas covered (hard to do, if its his face), and avoid touching them.


if your father is close to recovering, you're even less likely to have a problem. its been a little while since i was responsible for knowing a ton about shingles, but that is what i remember off hand--you should not worry. and you should also not be 'touchy' with your dad.



Thanks for the info. He just got blisters yesterday so he isn't close to recovering yet.


And by touchy I mean touching his back with my hand. Don't tell me you never hugged or put your arm around someone for a few seconds when you are drunk and laughing about something... or drunk and about to fall on your face.


Gosh just because I am on the internetz doesn't mean I am weird.


Oh and if you haven't touched someone when you were drunk then you are weird.

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shingles is no joke...The rash runs mid line from your top of your chest(clavial) to you lower abd as well as on your back...It runs this way because thats the path of your spinal nerves. from what i hear its like every nerve ending is on fire

not only can it affect people who are immune deficient (elderly, young, sick etc) but regular people whit a temporary decrease in immunity...stress and lack of sleep, for example, can bring it on. just like how you get sick after finals week in college

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shingles is no joke...The rash runs mid line from your top of your chest(clavial) to you lower abd as well as on your back...It runs this way because thats the path of your spinal nerves. from what i hear its like every nerve ending is on fire

not only can it affect people who are immune deficient (elderly, young, sick etc) but regular people whit a temporary decrease in immunity...stress and lack of sleep, for example, can bring it on. just like how you get sick after finals week in college



this is also true. the rash stays on one side of the body, and follows a specific dermatome or two. it can even appear on your face. it can be quite painful, and sometimes difficult to diagnose because you can get the nerve pain long before the characteristic unilateral rash.


stress is one thing that can bring it on.

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Shingles sucks ass to say the least. I had it pretty bad about 3 years ago along the backside of my chest. I was lucky though because after researching it some cases actually get it on their face and shit! The pain is no joke either. Feels like someone is holding a lighter to your skin. I'll blame my outbreak on stress. I wasnt working at the time and I wasnt sleeping alot. I brought it on myself for sure. Sucked.
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