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I don't think his rights were violated. He expressed himself, no laws were passed preventing him from doing so, and the principal of the school is within her rights in suspending him. Freedom of speech does not mean speech without consequence.
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Freedom of speech shouldnt be taken literal. There's a difference between purposfully making people afraid and saying whats on your mind.


mmm... tell that to some Republicans *cough* 2nd amendment *cough*


1. The kid is a douche.

2. There is no reason the school should have been involved in the first place.

3. The principal was wrong to bring the school into the picture.

4. First Amendment FTMFW.

5. ACLU FTMFW (Sure they take up some crazy cases but when your rights are violated who else can you call?)


There is a reason that the First Amendment is Freedom of Speech. It is one of the most important amendments we have. It is what seperates the United States from 90% of the world.


As my beautiful wife and Voltaire say "I may not agree with what you say, but I will defend your right to say it until death."

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I don't think his rights were violated. He expressed himself, no laws were passed preventing him from doing so, and the principal of the school is within her rights in suspending him. Freedom of speech does not mean speech without consequence.


But should the school be allowed to punish students for what they do off school grounds, at a non-school event?


What are your feelings about the news stories of students getting harassed by school officials over their myspace pages, even when what is on there is completely unrelated to school or anyone that works there?

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mmm... tell that to some Republicans *cough* 2nd amendment *cough*


1. The kid is a douche.

2. There is no reason the school should have been involved in the first place.

3. The principal was wrong to bring the school into the picture.

4. First Amendment FTMFW.

5. ACLU FTMFW (Sure they take up some crazy cases but when your rights are violated who else can you call?)


There is a reason that the First Amendment is Freedom of Speech. It is one of the most important amendments we have. It is what seperates the United States from 90% of the world.


As my beautiful wife and Voltaire say "I may not agree with what you say, but I will defend your right to say it until death."


So in one post you say that freedom of speech should not be abridged in any way, yet the 2nd amendment should be? Is that what I am reading?


How about I call up the ACLU and tell them my second amendment rights have been violated? How much you want to bet they will tell me to fuck off?

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But should the school be allowed to punish students for what they do off school grounds, at a non-school event?


What are your feelings about the news stories of students getting harassed by school officials over their myspace pages, even when what is on there is completely unrelated to school or anyone that works there?



I originally read the article as saying it was a school sponsored trip. If the student is not a representative of the school in any manner, what he does away from school should not be punishable (by the school).

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I originally read the article as saying it was a school sponsored trip. If the student is not a representative of the school in any manner, what he does away from school should not be punishable (by the school).


That's the part I wasn't sure about. It sounded like the school had been closed for the event since the band and maybe something else was taking part in the parade, but it didn't sound like it was mandatory for the students to be there, which to mean would mean it wasn't a school sponsored trip, but who knows.

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If it happens while he is on his way to or from school, at school, at any sort of school sponsored event, etc... he can be punished by the school. I don't know if this was any of those, but I would assume it would be something like that.
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His parents must not pay enough atention to him.

The things a good ass beating would have prevented.




I was never a rotten child, but maybe that was because my dad knew when to let me know when I was out of line. Sounds like this kid could use some too.

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mmm... tell that to some Republicans *cough* 2nd amendment *cough*


1. The kid is a douche.

2. There is no reason the school should have been involved in the first place.

3. The principal was wrong to bring the school into the picture.

4. First Amendment FTMFW.

5. ACLU FTMFW (Sure they take up some crazy cases but when your rights are violated who else can you call?)


There is a reason that the First Amendment is Freedom of Speech. It is one of the most important amendments we have. It is what seperates the United States from 90% of the world.


As my beautiful wife and Voltaire say "I may not agree with what you say, but I will defend your right to say it until death."



What do you think about this?




"The ACLU agrees with the Supreme Court's long-standing interpretation of the Second Amendment [as set forth in the 1939 case, U.S. v. Miller] that the individual's right to bear arms applies only to the preservation or efficiency of a well-regulated militia. Except for lawful police and military purposes, the possession of weapons by individuals is not constitutionally protected. Therefore, there is no constitutional impediment to the regulation of firearms." --Policy #47 From their website


“I have been to Europe several times, mostly in connection with international radical activities…and have traveled in the United States to areas of conflict over workers rights to strike and organize. My chief aversion is the system of greed, private profit, privilege and violence which makes up the control of the world today, and which has brought it to the tragic crisis of unprecedented hunger and unemployment…Therefore, I am for Socialism, disarmament and ultimately, for the abolishing of the State itself…I seek the social ownership of property, the abolition of the propertied class and sole control of those who produce wealth. Communism is the goal”.”--- Roger Baldwin Founder ACLU



The way I see it is if you are a white Christian, who loves his nation, believes that we should protect our right to bear arms, and believes in the ideals that our founding fathers put forward in the Constitution. They wont be there to protect you!


Are they still FTW?

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