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Bugboy, Past, Present, and Future.


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Hi I'm Beavis Jonez, You can call me BJ. I think I'm clever!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!!




I've never denied being turboS. If you actually read through the threads against me in the past. I stated it numerous time, you even ran your dick sucker in the big one, Remeber It got so petty I ended up offering to wrestle stillman I think. BJ hmm your name fits. So get the fuck off my nuts and shut the fuck up.



Must be a winter thing. Last time this thread happened I had The Truth and Satan going on to me. So maybe I should just link the old one.


There is not a damn thing you can say that's not going to be WeakSauce Repeats.


So go ahead BJ and Hefty Jesus lay it on. in 3 weeks we can compare it to the thread that was the same a while back.

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Post whore is too light of a title for you..... What is worse?




Thorne, remember a few weeks back when it was proposed (in the Senior Members section) that certain people NOT be allowed to start threads? At first, I didn't like that idea, but, you know, here I am, starting to think it may not be such a bad idea.


It's going to get to the point that Chris Green just out-and-out bans you for this shit. And we've all told you to stop, so, when he lays the smack down, you can't say you didn't see it coming.


Again, I know you're a decent guy and just want to be cool with everyone, and I can respect that. But, for fuck's sake, just stop.

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John's using my brother like the Boogey Man.


You'd better quit, else Chris Green will get you!




LOL. I thought about who to use there - you or Chris - and ultimately elected to use Chris because I perceive him to be the more vindictive of you two. That, and I think I remember him warning Thorne about something along these lines not too long ago.


BTW, Brian, you're pics have been spot on lately. Two gold stars and one :cool: smilie for you.

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I've never done shit on the dyno. People just find it funny to try and make up shit.



4-5 years ago, I had a small rivarly going due to a believed to be bold statement at the time.


The Statement was I had beaten a couple of 5.0 Mustang GT's in street light races.

I thought that was hot shit being a younger guy who had what he considered at the time a fast car. (Amazing how that works now I considered a wrx slow )


Well after lots of long running taunting me and another member of CR raced . I smoked said car by 3-5 cars lengths after wards I slowed down and decided I was going to show off. Well i came close to cuasing a wreck.


It did not help that I was 3x more of a loud mouth then. Now I'm just a regular loud mouth.


I had apolgized and put what i could behind me and tried to show poeple That I'm not that kid. But some people still live in the past. Very similar to those who still talk about things where in there day.


Guesse what that days past. No one died , I've done nothing even remotely like that I was banned for time and I had a long road of getting poeple to even talk to me on cr due to the shit. So I get annoyed when poeple say the same things.


It would be diffrent If it was a new insult or bash but Its the same thing recycled over and over.


You get annoyed that people bring up your past, but yet you throw others past in their face. Yes it was in the past, but you say that you don’t bring it up. May I remind you of the video that you posted a while ago from a dyno day that happened at Dyno Tune Motorsports where your immaturity appeared yet again for ‘thanking me’ for not ‘beating your ass’.


No one may have died the night that you displayed your intelligence for the few of us that were there… but does someone need to die for people to remember ignorance? Your past will always stick with you. Get over it.


Like you said, it took a lot for you to build some of your bridges. Is it that hard to comprehend that there are going to be quite a few people that will never forget your ignorance? Are you still that immature that you need every single person on CR to like you? Do you really think that people who hear the true story [of pulling an e-brake DURRING a race (even though you crossed the line first) on a back street that had a curve at the end and barley big enough to race two cars side by side safely] are going to say that you’re an up standing citizen and want to become buddy buddy with you?

If you have to have the approval from Jones or anyone else on this board that is not a “friend” then you have not matured at all from that night.



p.s. This post does not mean that my original words after the incident are null and void.


Sorry to everyone that really this extremely long post.



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