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welfare drug test


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If my employer does a drug does and I test positive for pot. I lose my job.

They don't look into my history or provide a questionnaire to see if I have a drug "PROBLEM". IT IS ILLEGAL END OF STORY. We should somehow make special exceptions for the magical "protected people" ?


My tax dollars are paying for these parasites. If they even take a single puff of anything on my dime they should be out on the streets. Let them be hungry and get a job.



Whhhaaaaa, kids can't eat because mom is on crack. Can't make an ommlet without cracking a few eggs. Besides, the MAJORITY (read: not all you cry babies) of kids of crack head parents won't grow up to become anything anyway. And it's real simple, if the kids are with substance abusing parents, take them away from the parents.


IMO, if you want on welfare, you should be required to get fixed. We don't need you breeding anymore, and you sure as hell shouldn't get MORE money for having kids.


These people shouldn't be doing any drugs. For that matter, they should test for nicotine and alcohol (and I'm a drinker BTW). If I'm paying for your shitty ass to live, you should get no pleasures. Your ass should be looking for a job and getting off gov't assistance. Don't be a welfare POS draining on our society.


Don't like these rules, then F' off and get not money.

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There may be an initial spike in taxes to support the cost of the drug test, but think of how much we would save. I have a friend that is a social worker and she could attest that the majorty of people on welfare are on some sort of drug. I'd be all for this to take effect and I'd be happy to pay the initial spike do see the fall in the long run! (even tho we all know that the government would NEVER lower taxes lol)


while she takes a taxi home.


If only that were true... Most have cars that the welfare system is paying for. :(

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I dont really care if doing this does lower taxes, I have no problem paying taxes (yes my income comes from taxes but I still pay taxes......????.....yeah) if the money would be put to good use. Ever see Stranger Than Fiction, if 15% of my taxes goes to welfare then I refuse to pay that 15% until something is fixed. I so wish that was true!! If this government is truly for the people by the people then I am sure if we yell loudly someone is bound to listen.
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I have a friend that is a social worker and she could attest that the majorty of people on welfare are on some sort of drug.


im not calling your friend a liar, but id like to see some actual statistics to back this up. (not to mention the fact that "some sort of drug" is a pretty broad statement. i could say that the majority of people on this website are on "some sort of drug" and be absolutley correct. caffeine is a drug. tylenol is a drug. advil is a drug. etc... some sort of illegal drug may be a better way to make that statement)


because according to a 1996 study


Proportions of welfare recipients using, abusing, or dependent on alcohol or illicit drugs are consistent with proportions of both the adult U.S. population and adults who do not receive welfare



granted, that was 10 years ago...


additionally, a law was passed that prohibits states from providing cash aid or food stamps to those convicted of drug-related felonies after august 1996, unless a state passes a law modifiying that requirement, or opting out of it completly


i dont know if ohio has passed such a law or not...

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I meant 'some sort of drug' as being illegal or not prescribed to them sks a pill popper. I'd like to see real stats on this too. However, I don't think that we will see those stats for fear that the citizens of america will be in an outrage at the true numbers!
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