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Christmas already!!!


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i get sick of my family trying to out do one another each year. its more of a contest than a celbration of a religious holiday anymore. plus its so commercialized. like you said the first christmas commercial already and thanksgiving isnt even over. just rediculous now

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i get sick of my family trying to out do one another each year. its more of a contest than a celbration of a religious holiday anymore. plus its so commercialized. like you said the first christmas commercial already and thanksgiving isnt even over. just rediculous now

I get you mang. But you dont have to fall into that out-do one another crap.

Just set some rules like nothing over $30. or do a gift exchange. It'll cut down alot on what you have to get. Seriously, peopple will be relieved if you put it out there that thats what your family should do. Someone will second the motion, then its a done deal. Takes a lot of stress off.

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Hey guys you wanna see the true meaning of Christmas, come with me this year down to whitehall and see the party we put on for special needs kids/ people.... You'll see it differently for sure. I agree about the commercialization point too.... Put Christ back into X-mas !!!

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self check out!!!

kid have you ever been in coshocton walmart after like 10:00...they have 1 damn checkout open and 50 employees outside smoking and all of the self checkouts are closed...it seriously takes one employee to run like 8 self checkouts.

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kid have you ever been in coshocton walmart after like 10:00...they have 1 damn checkout open and 50 employees outside smoking and all of the self checkouts are closed...it seriously takes one employee to run like 8 self checkouts.

:lol: i know excactly what you are talking about man. 50 check outs and 1 open. and the person running it is all crosseyed and dont know how to do anything cuz its training day for them and the trainer is on a smoke brake :lol:

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