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May be moving to Cincinnati

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Some may know, the new owner of my company (of 5 years) are closing it, and offering me shit wages to follow my job to Bryan ohio

Fuck them


I've had two successful interviews with Tekmar in Mason, they talkin like $10k more then what my pathetic current employer thinks I'm worth.


Motherfuckers, I hate being in this position.

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Hate to hear that.You got to look out for No. 1 though.Do what you got to do for yourself.

If I was looking out for #1, I'd sell all my possessions ans blow this fuckin joint. I got mountains to climb in Nepal. ;) I'm looking out for #2 and 3, my boy and woman.


I know the area fairly well, I wouldn't be considering it otherwise. I know some people down there, and feel that we could be comfortable. I'm going to miss CR, the OSU Mountaineers club, and Grandparents willing to babysit. :)

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My dad lives somewhere down around Cinci, I haven't heard any complaints. Sucks that you might have to uproot though, but its like you said, you've got way more to worry about than just yourself. Just make sure you talk it through thoroughly with Elana and your parents to be sure that its the best option for all.


Regardless of which direction you end up taking, best of luck. I wish I had the chance to talk to you a bit more when I saw you last, its been too long since I've been able to hang out with you.

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Nothing wrong with moving. Change is sometimes a tough transition. but, you have to be happy with what you are doing and still be able to work toward your goals. I hate to see a friend leave. but, I hate to see a friend stay and struggle to find out he didn't make the right move at the right time. Best of luck to you either way. You are still expected to be at Mid Ohio every year though.
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You are still expected to be at Mid Ohio every year though.

It'll be more then a 45minute drive now. :\


Mason is no more snooty then Dublin. It's also an older area, older houses, so not as much overpriced worthless crap as must of Columbus. I've got some peeps in the area, so the transition won't be too rough.

I don't want to move, that's the plain truth....BUT I didn't want to move from Elida to Columbus, either. Now I'd never go back. ;)

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hey good luck man. Actually, it all sounds great for you two. Better jobs better pay. Why the heck you got to miss cr. I am way the funk up here and I still pop in here. Course it wont be as easy to get out and see your crew. Change is good. When the good lord closes one door he opens another somewhere else.
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I made the jump from Columbus to Cinci myself last fall. It was a good move for me career wise, and we were able to move up as far as housing goes, but we did stay a little farther out. I'm in Morrow now, about 6 miles from K.I. If you're gonna start looking for housing, look in the Morrow and Goshen areas. Most of the housing you're likely to find is pretty new, and it is relatively inexpensive. Word of warning: Stay out of Cincinnati proper. Taxes are outrageous, and the school system sucks. If you go out to Warren, Butler, and Clermont counties, you'll get more bang for your buck, and the commute isn't too bad.
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